The Graduate Council is composed of at least one elected member of the Graduate Faculty from each department offering a graduate degree. The Graduate Council is the legislative committee of the Graduate Faculty and its duties are to formulate and review academic policies, practices and curriculum concerning graduate studies.
May 3, 2023
June 14, 2023
July 12, 2023
Minutes from 2022-2023
Agendas from 2022-2023
2017 - 2018
2016 - 2017
2015 - 2016
2014 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2013
2011 - 2012
2010 - 2011
2009 - 2010
2008 - 2009
2007 - 2008
2006 - 2007
2005 - 2006
2004 - 2005
Accounting and Computer Information Systems
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Choi, Jae Joon - 03/13/2013
Cummings, Maeve - 06/17/1998
Goedeke, Mary - 06/13/2018
O'Bryan, David - 01/29/1997
Presley, Theresa J. - 09/09/2015
Sha, Wei - 04/09/2008
Yarick, Gail - 06/13/2018
Graduate Service Faculty
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Oliver Jr., James M. - 07/17/2002
Automotive Technology
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Dell, Timothy - 05/09/2007
Frisbee, Robert - 12/07/2016
Lindbloom, Trent - 02/10/2016
Norman, R. Scott - 02/10/2016
Spielbusch, Daniel - 10/12/2022
Thompson, John - 12/07/2016
Graduate Service Faculty
Jones, Charles - 22/SU - 03/09/2022 - AT 890: Transportation Service Industry Product Support
Jones, Randy - 20/SU - 05/06/2020 - AT 890: Transportation Industry Service Mgmt/Product Support
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Brodsky, Christine - 12/07/2016
Chung, Peter - 04/01/2006
Dawson, James - 07/26/1979
George, Andrew - 12/07/2016
Ghosh, Anuradha - 06/08/2016
Harries, Phillip - 11/11/2009
Nonnenmacher, Hermann - 05/06/2015
Peak, Mandy - 11/11/2009
Rider, Virginia - 02/14/2007
Snow, Neil - 10/9/2013
Whitney, James - 06/08/2016
Zurek, Daniel M. - 11/18/1998
Graduate Research Associate Membership
Bulliner, Kathryn - 04/10/2019
Porneluzi, Paul - 03/14/2018
Ricke, Steven - 12/06/2017
Graduate Service Faculty
Schmidt, Neal - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - BIOL 802: Pathophysiology
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Dvornic, Petar - 06/11/2014
Gashti, Mazeyar Parvinzadeh - 09/11/2024
Gupta, Ram - 06/12/2013
Javni, Ivan - 02/14/2007
Martins, Alessandro Francisco - 09/11/2024
McAfee, James - 10/21/1998
Mijares, Kristopher - 11/10/2010
Neef, Charles (Jody) - 12/02/2015
Norton, Jeanne - 06/13/2018
Paul, Dilip - 10/18/1995
Petrovic, Zoran S. - 02/14/2007
Santra, Santimikul - 06/12/2013
Shirley, William - 10/18/1989
Siam, Khamis S. - 12/14/1988
Zegar, Irene - 05/09/2007
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Comeau, Troy - 03/12/2008
Cox, Barth - 06/12/2019
Drew, Shirley - 06/21/1989
Jason, Malcom - 07/12/2023
Mason, Alicia - 05/04/2011
Pogue, Joey - 10/12/2005
Ward, Ken - 09/09/21
Westhoff, Megan - 11/11/2020
Graduate Service Faculty
Livingston, Kristen - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - COMM 765: Strategic Planning and Communication Compaigns [Tested Experience]
Livingston, Kristen - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - COMM 785: International Communication [Tested Experience]
Livingston, Kristen - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - COMM 775: Case Studies in Strategic Communication
Livingston, Kristen - 24/SP - 06/14/2023 - COMM 765: Strategic Planning and Communication Campaigns
Livingston, Kristen - 24/SP - 06/14/2023 - COMM 785: International Communication
Livingston, Kristen - 24/SP - 12/06/2023 - COMM 884: Readings in Communication
Moga, Jillian - 21/SU - 03/10/2021 - COMM 726: Media Analysis and Criticism
Westhoff, Megan - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - COMM 845: Project in Theatre
Westhoff, Megan - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - COMM 883: Readings in Theatre Art
Construction, School of
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Otter, James - 11/18/1992
Philipp, Norman - 07/09/2014
Rosmait, Russell - 12/16/1998
Thomas, Timothy - 11/18/1992
Graduate Service Faculty
Colgrove, Donald - 23/WF - 10/11/2023 - CMCET 795: Special Topics in CMCET
Strenth, William - 22/SP - 06/09/2021 - CMCET 833: Estimating and Bidding Strategy
Strenth, William - 21/WF - 06/09/2021 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Economics, Finance and Banking
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Cortes, Bienvenido - 08/1989
Davidsson, Michael - 09/2015
Grimes, Paul W. - 10/2011
Lal, Anil - 12/2012
Lin, Fang - 09/2015
Shum, Connie - 12/2012
Engineering Technology
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Book, Don - 12/07/2022
Book, Rebeca - 10/14/2015
Chandra, Kailash - 09/01/1982
Galloway, Ronny - 09/14/2011
Herring, Paul - 05/04/2011
Mayer, Erik - 05/04/2011
Miller, David - 11/09/2011
Murray, Greg - 12/05/2012
Norton, Jeanne - 09/11/2013
Otter, James - 11/18/1992
Rosmait, Russell - 12/16/1998
Spielbusch, Dan - 04/13/2022
Thomas, Timothy - 11/18/1992
Winzer, William (Randy) - 05/07/2014
Zimmerman, Alyssa - 10/12/2022
Graduate Service Faculty
Calloway, Terry - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - ETECH 804: Quality Management and Control
Dawsey, Tim - 21/SP - 10/21/2020 - MECET 861: Mechanics of Composites & Structures
Foyet, Patrick - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - MECET 861: Composite Structures and Mechanics
Foyet, Patrick - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - MECET 861: Mechanics of Composties and Structures
*Guraja, Praveen - 20/SP - 03/11/2020 - ETECH 804: Quality Management
Lomshek, David - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - ETECH 852: Integrated Design & Manufacturing Concepts
Lomshek, David - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - ETECH 852: Integrated Design and Manufacturing Concepts
Skaggs, Brock - 23/SP - 03/08/2023 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Spielbusch, Daniel - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - PET 885: Composite Materials
Zimmerman, Alyssa - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - ETECH 804: Quality Management and Control
*Only approved for the 20/SP semester
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Anderson, Chris - 04/08/2009
Carlson, Susan - 11/01/1991
Dearinger, Chase - 11/08/2017
Franklin, John - 05/10/2000
Hermansson, Casie - 05/13/1998
Jorgenson-Borchert, Jessica - 11/08/2017
Judd, Donald - 10/13/2004
Martin, Lori - 07/2011
McCallum, Paul - 05/13/1998
Moots, Brian - 11/14/2018
Moss, Grant - 02/13/2019
Patterson, Celia - 09/24/1994
Rudd, Philip - 04/08/2009
Washburn, Laura - 10/18/2000
Zepernick, Janet - 04/08/2009
Graduate Service Faculty
Monnier, Ruth - 22/WF - 11/09/2022 - Serving on a thesis committee for ENGL 890
Family and Consumer Sciences
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Hendershot, Shawnee - 04/12/2017
Tankersley, Amber - 06/10/2009
Graduate Service Faculty
Cook, Sheila - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - FCS 730: Independent Studies in Family and Consumer Sciences
Cook, Sheila - 20/SU - 03/11/2020 - FCS 740: Special Topics: Praxis Plus
Cook, Sheila - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - FCS 740: Special Topics in Family and Consumer Sciences
Cook, Sheila - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - FCS 771: Directed Readings in Family and Consumer Sciences
Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Barry, Allison - 12/02/2020
Boffey, Ariel David - 04/13/2022
Carper, Michael - 10/09/2013
Covert, Laura - 07/12/2017
Gorman, R. Scott - 05/01/1990
Hardy, Rick - 05/03/2017
Hutchens, Nathan Shelby - 04/13/2022
Jewett, Janice -
Opplinger, John - 09/24/1994
Ragland, Tristan - 4/10/2024
Shewmake, Cole - 10/12/2016
Spresser, Julia - 05/12/1993
Graduate Research Associate Membership
Dicks, Nathan - 09/11/2019
Graduate Service Faculty
Boffey, Ariel David - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - HHPR 763: Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning
Boffey, Ariel David - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - HHPR 863: Biomechanics
Brown, Steve - 20/WF - 04/08/2020 - HHPR 801: Methods of Assessment in Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Brown, Steve - 22/WF - 03/09/2022 - HHPR 801: Methods of Assessment in Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Williamson, Kaylah - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 - HHPR 863: Biomechanics
History, Philosophy and Social Sciences
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Bailey, Tim - 11/15/2000
Botello-Samson, Darren - 5/5/2021
Cameron, Bradley - 5/1/1990
Cameron, Kathleen - 7/22/1998
Childers, Christopher - 11/9/2016
Conrad, Browyn - 11/15/2000
Daley, John - 7/16/1997
Donovan, Marjorie - 6/1/1988
Dresner, Jonathan - 09/10/2008
Hooey, Catherine - 11/15/2000
Humphrey, Kristen - 05/04/2011
Lawson, Kristen - 09/05/2012
Meza-Bakke, Carol - 4/10/2024
Peterson, Mark - 07/17/1996
Quinn, Dory - 04/12/2023
Roberts, Randy - 03/15/2000
Schick, James B.
Schwartz, Tarquin - 04/12/2023
Thompson, Michael Kyle - 09/11/2013
Viney, Donald - 07/01/1986
Wilson, Gary - 11/09/2016
Woestman, Kelly - 09/15/1993
Wolfe, Staci - 07/13/2022
Graduate Service Faculty
Gao, Siying - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - SOC 794: Topics in Sociology: Mapping
Magee, Patricia - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - SWK 723: Foundation Social Work Practicum II [Tested Experience]
Magee, Patricia - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - SWK 724: Foundation Practicum Integrative Seminar II [Tested Experience]
Magee, Patricia - 21/WF - 08/09/2021 - SWK 721: Foundation Social Work Practicum I
Magee, Patricia - 21/WF - 08/09/2021 - SWK 722: Foundation Practicum Integrative Seminar I
Meza-Bakke, Carol - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - SWK 721: Foundation Social Work Practicum I
Meza-Bakke, Carol - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - SWK 722: Foundation Practicum Integrative Seminar I
Meza-Bakke, Carol - 23/SP - 10/12/2022 - SWK 723: Foundation Social Work Practicum II
Meza-Bakke, Carol - 23/SP - 10/12/2022 - SWK 724: Foundation Practicum Integrative Seminar II
Schwartz, Tarquin - 22/WF - 04/13/2022 - HIST 820: Seminar in World History: Modern Africa
Schwartz, Tarquin - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - HIST 703: Selected Subjects: African Civilizations
Quinn Dory - 21/WF - 08/09/2021 - SWK 785: Human Behavior
Wolfe Jeremy - 22/WF - 04/13/2022 - SWK 701: Advanced Social Work Practice 1: Micro
Wolfe Jeremy - 21/WF - 08/09/2021 - SWK 783: Fundamentals of Research in Social Work
Wolfe Jeremy - 22/SP - 08/09/2021 - SWK 765: Social Welfare Policy Analysis
Wolfe, Staci - 23/SP - 10/12/2022 - SWK 765: Social Welfare Policy Anaylsis
Wolfe, Staci - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - SWK 783: Fundamentals of Research in Social Work
Kelce Graduate School of Business
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Binder, Alexander - 09/11/2019
Brooksher, Jamie - 02/14/2024
Lallemand, Justin - 06/9/2021
Lee, Sang-heui - 09/11/2019
Lin, Fang - 03/10/2021
Lunde, Matthew - 11/11/2020
Sha, Wei - 09/11/2019
Sikolia, David - 07/13/2022
Woodward, Larry - 07/13/2022
Graduate Service Faculty
Ables, Ashlee - 21/SU - 04/21/2021 - ACCT 813: Financial Statement Analysis
Ables, Ashlee - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - ACCT 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Brooksher, Jamie - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - MGT 830: Business, Government and Society [Tested Experience]
Brooksher, Jamie - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - MGT 830: Business, Government & Society
Decker, Chelsea - 22/SU - 05/04/2022 - MGT 828: Leadership and Behavioral Management
Decker, Chelsey - 24/SU - 04/10/2024 - MGT 828: Leadership and Behavioral Management
Huffman, William - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing/Seminar in Auditing
Kuefler, John - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - CIS 801: TP: Building Web Apps/Java Scr [Tested Experience]
Kuefler, John - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - CIS 801: TPL Principles of System Admin [Tested Experience]
Kuefler, John - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - CIS 801: Topics: Building Web Apps
McKinnis, Michael - 20/SU - 03/06/2019 - FIN 836: Financial Strategy
McKinnis, Michael - 20/SU - 03/06/2019 - ACCT 813: Financial Statement Analysis
Meador, Douglas - 24/WF - 09/11/2024 - HCA 811: Systems Management
Molitoris, Inna - 21/WF - 07/14/2021 - IB 831: International Business
Molitoris, Inna - 22/WF - 11/09/2022 - IB 810: Topics in International Business
Molitoris, Inna - 23/WF - 10/11/2023 - IB 831: International Business
Molitoris, Inna - 24/WF - 09/11/2024 - IB 810: Topics in International Business
Nance, Mary Judene - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - IB 810: Topics in International Business [Tested Experience]
Nance, Mary Judene - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - MGT 895: Strategic Management [Tested Experience]
Nance, Mary Judene - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - MGT 821: Topics in Business: B2B Marketing [Tested Experience]
Nance, Mary Judene - 20/WF - 10/21/2020 - IB 810: Topics in International Business/Marketing [Tested Experience]
Nance, Mary Judene - 20/SP - 03/06/2019 - MKTG 839: Marketing Strategy
Nance, Mary Judene - 20/SP - 10/09/2019 - MKTG 839: Marketing Strategy
Nance, Mary Judene - 20/SP - 10/09/2019 - MGT 895: Strategic Management
Strong, Dwight - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - CIS 740: E-Business Application Development
Strong, Dwight - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - CIS 801: TP: E-Business Application Development [Tested Experience]
Strong, Dwight - 20/SP - 10/09/2019 - CIS 740: E-Business Application Development
Strong, Dwight - 23/SP - 12/07/2022 - CIS 740: E-Business Application Development
Wachter, Mary Kay - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - MGT 821: Topics in Business [Tested Experience]
Wachter, Mary Kay - 23/SP - 11/09/2022 - MKTG 821: Topics Mktg: Branding/Content
Wachter, Mary Kay - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - MKTG 821: Topics in Marketing: Marketing Brand Management
Wachter, Mary Kay - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MKTG 810: Consumer Analytics
Weaver, David - 22/SP - 12/08/2021 - FIN 836: Financial Strategy [Tested Experience]
Zornes, Stephen - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - ACCTG 710: External Auditing/Assurance [Tested Experience]
Zornes, Stephen - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - ACCTG 815: Financial State Auditing [Tested Experience]
Zornes, Stephen - 23/SU - 09/13/2023 - ACCTG 814: Management Control Systems
Library Services
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Graduate Service Faculty
Cox, Steven - 20/WF - 10/21/2020 - [Serving on a History thesis committee.]
Management and Marketing
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Baack, Donald - 11/01/1988
Dalecki, Linden - 3/13/2013
Fogliasso, Christine - 02/09/2005
Horner, Stephen - 03/13/2013
Lee, Choong - 07/12/1989
Lee, Sang-Heui - 03/13/2013
Maceli, Kristen - 03/13/2013
Murray, Lynn - 03/13/2013
van Wyk, Jay - 03/13/2013
Graduate Service Faculty
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Childs, Karla - 09/12/2007
Coltharp, Hazel - 02/01/1996
Dobrowolski, Tadeusz - 09/24/1994
Flood, Timothy - 10/23/1995
Jayawardhana, Ananda - 06/30/1999
Liu, Yaping - 10/23/1995
Thuong, Scott - 05/06/2015
Winters, Bobby - 07/01/1989
Woodburn, Cynthia - 11/16/1994
Graduate Service Faculty
Walters, Emily - 22/SP - 12/01/2021 - MATH 770: Topics in Mathematics: Data Science for All
Modern Languages & Literature
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Krepps, Myriam - 10/11/2006
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Bechtel Edmonson, Lydia - 08/09/21
Britz, Joanne - 09/04/2004
Chybowski, Andrew - 04/10/2019
Clanton, James - 02/08/2012
Deats, Carol - 06/12/2013
Fuchs, Craig - 11/13/2002
Hastings, Todd J. - 09/16/1998
Howle, Patrick - 06/12/2013
Jones, Russell - 11/01/1971
Kehle, Robert - 09/04/2004
Marchant, Susan - 09/01/1979
Montague, Matthew - 12/13/2000
Munguia, Raul - 07/09/2014
Natenberg, Reena - 09/04/2004
Miranda, Ramiro - 06/12/2024
Ross, John - 02/13/2002
Smith, Marie - 06/12/2024
Whitten, A. Douglas - 07/11/2007
Wilson, Joseph - 06/12/2024
Graduate Service Faculty
Bechtel, Lydia - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - MUSIC 716: Graduate Review-Music History
Bechtel, Lydia - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - MUSIC 824: Music in the Baroque Era
Bechtel, Lydia - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - MUSIC 833: 20th Century Music
Begacheva, Maria - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music: Cello
Ibragimov, Sunnat - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music (String Brass)
Ibragimov, Sunnat - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chmaber Music: Strings
Miranda, Ramiro - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music: Violin
Miranda, Ramiro - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 776: Orchestra
Miranda, Ramiro - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music: Strings
Smith, Marie - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 716: Graduate Review in Music History
Smith, Marie - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 826: 19th Century Romanticism in Music
Smith, Marie - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - MUSIC 833: 20th Century Music
Wilson, Joseph - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 756: Band: Marching Band
Wilson, Joseph - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - MUSIC 756: Band: Symphonic Band
Wilson, Joseph - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music - Brass
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Alonzo, Amanda - 09/15/2017
Coomes, Gena - 09/11/2019
Frisbee, Kristi - 04/08/2015
Giefer, Cheryl - 06/01/1994
Harris, Jennifer - 09/10/2014
Heter, Ashleigh - 09/15/2017
Hite, Amy - 11/09/2011
Johnson, Karen - 09/09/2015
Larery, Trina - 09/15/2017
McClaskey, Barbara - 12/10/2003
Pomatto, Mary Carol - 01/20/1993
Schiefelbein, Janis - 09/14/2005
Stahl, Tracy - 02/12/2020
Graduate Research Associate Membership
Albright, Sonja - 09/11/2019
Newcome, Marci - 09/11/2019
Oberoi, Rahul - 06/14/2023
Graduate Service Faculty
Byler, Kimberly - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - NURS 817: Pharmacokinetics
Byler, Kimberly - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - NURS 856: Education Practicum
Byler, Kimberly - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - NURS 850: Curriculum Development
Byler, Kimberly - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 - NURS 856: Education Practicum
Byler, Kimberly - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - NURS 808: Translation to Doctoral Leadership
Byler, Kimberly - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - NURS 817: Pharmaokinetics
Carter, Stormy - 21/SP - 04/21/2021 - NURS 910: DNP Clinical Residency
Carter, Stormy - 21/SP - 04/21/2021 - NURS 920: DNP Scholarly Project
Stahl, Tracy - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - NURS 813: Primary Care II
Stahl, Tracy - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - NURS 828: Primary Care III
Stahl, Tracy - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - NURS 920: DNP Scholarly Project
Waddell, Jeffrey - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - NURS 818: Applied Drug Therapy
Waddell, Jeffrey - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - NURS 888: Health Policy
Waddell, Jeffrey - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - NURS*808: Translation to Doc Leadership/Theory
Waddell, Jeffrey - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - NURS 703: Advanced Health Assessment Theory Nurse Educator
Waddell, Jeffrey - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - NURS 911: Tools for Practice Scholarship
Waddell, Jeffrey - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - NURS 818: Applied Drug Therapy
Waddell, Jeffrey - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - NURS 900: Quality Safety Practicum Outcomes
Waddell, Jeffrey - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - NURS 910: DNP Clinical Residency
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Butler, Rebecca - 06/01/2006
Pearson, David - 08/09/2021
Uran, Serif - 10/13/2004
Graduate Service Faculty
Dawsey, Timothy - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - MAT 861: Mechanical Composites and Structures
Pearson, David - 20/WF - 06/10/2020 - MAT 702: Advanced Compulational Physics
Pearson, David - 20/WF - 06/10/2020 - PHYS 702: Advanced Computational Physics
Pearson, David - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - PHYS 740: Advanced Topics: Cosmolog
Pearson, David - 20/WF - 06/10/2020 - PHYS 775: Advanced Astrophysics
Pearson, David - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - PHYS 891: Research Problem
Psychology & Counseling
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Allison, Julie - 3/20/1991
Blair, Robin - 4/21/2021
Boydston, Paige - 03/09/2022
Hurford, David - 07/01/1990
Karayigit, Cebrail - 04/10/2019
Lloyd, Jason - 03/11/2020
Luaderdale, Sean - 05/14/2003
Pretot, Laurent - 03/10/2021
Smith, Janet V. - 05/10/1995
Speelman, Ryan - 07/2016
Spera, Chris Michael - 04/13/2005
Warner, C. Bruce - 07/14/2004
Wood, Jamie G. - 04/10/2002
Graduate Service Faculty
Atwal, Kavita - 21/SU - 06/09/2021 - PSYCH 783: Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychology and Related Fields
Boyd, Angelina "Chelle" - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 781: Psychology of Exceptional Children
Boydston, Paige - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - PSYCH 830: Psychology of Learning
Caldwell, Heather - 22/SP - 11/10/2021 - PSYCH 705: Human Serice Skills [Tested Experience]
Caldwell, Heather - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - PSYCH 705: Human Service Skills
Caldwell, Heather - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - PSYCH 705: Human Service Skills
Cline, Gabriel - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - PSYCH 809: Personality Assessment
Cobos, Sandra - 22/WF - 06/08/2022 - PSYCH 755: Introduction to School Psychology
Cobos, Sandra - 22/WF - 06/08/2022 - PSYCH 870: Practicum in School Psychology
Cobos, Sandra - 22/WF - 06/08/2022 - PSYCH 970: Advanced Practicum in School Psychology
Cobos, Sandra - 22/WF - 06/08/2022 - PSYCH 995: Internship in School Psychology
Cobos, Sandra - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - PSYCH 990: Special Research Project
Cobos, Sandra - 23/SP - 11/09/2022 - PSYCH 803: Intellectual Assessment
Cobos, Sandra - 23/SP - 11/09/2022 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigation
Cobos, Sandra - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - PSYCH 781: Psychology of Exceptional Children
Combs, Linda Muffoletto - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - PSYCH 774: Family and Addictions [Tested Experience]
Costello, Julie - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - PSYCH 736: Psychology of Family Development [Tested Experience]
Costello, Julie - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - PSYCH 736: Psychology of Family Development
Costello, Julie - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - PSYCH 738: Human Sexuality
DeGruson, Melinda - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 848: Career Development
Estrada, Madison - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology [Tested Experience]
Greeson, Lori - 22/SU - 04/13/2022 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Heiskell, Kelly - 21/WF - 08/09/2021 - PSYCH 745: Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Hickey, Rebecca - 22/SU - 03/09/2022 - PSYCH 783: Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychology
Hickey, Rebecca - 22/SU - 03/09/2022 - PSYCH 837: Assessment and Interventions with Early Childhood Disabilities
Hickey, Rebecca - 21/SU - PSYCH 837: Assessment and Intervention with Early CHildhood Disabilities
Hickey, Rebecca - 23/SU - PSYCH 805: Psychoeducational Assessment
Hickey, Rebecca - 23/SU - PSYCH 901: Contemporary Problems in School Psychology
Lloyd, Jason - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - PSYCH 803: Intellectual Assessment
Lloyd, Jason - 20/SU - 05/06/2020 - PSYCH 805: Psychoeducational Assessment
Lloyd, Jason - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Lloyd, Jason - 20/SU - 05/06/2020 - PSYCH 837: Assessment and Invention with Early Childhood Disabilities
Loveland, West - 20/SP - PSYCH 738: Human Sexuality
McGuire, Petra - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - PSYCH 832: Evidence-Based Interventions: Adults
McGuire, Petra - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology
Moore, Solomon - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - PSYCH 816: Group Dynamics
Moore, Solomon - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - PSYCH 844: Diversity Issues in Counseling
Moore, Solomon - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 - PSYCH 738: Human Sexuality
Moore, Solomon - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 - PSYCH 817: Theories and Techniques of Family Counseling and Therapy
Moore, Solomon - 23/SU - 04/12/2023 - PSYCH 814: Program Planning and Management in School Counseling
Moore, Solomon - 23/SU - 04/12/2023 - PSYCH 826: Contemporary and Ethical Issues in School Counseling
Patrick, M. Renee - 22/WF - 04/13/2022 - PSYCH 809: Personality Assessment
Patrick, M. Renee - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - PSYCH 808: Child Personality Assessment
Pearson, Mary - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Pretot, Laurent - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - PSYCH 724: Physiological Psychology
Pretot, Laurent - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - PSYCH 859: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Ratzlaff, Christopher - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - PSYCH 755: Introduction to School Psychology [Tested Experience]
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 736: Psychology of Family Development
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 745: Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 822: Practicum in School Counseling
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 06/14/2023 - PSYCH 894: Internship in School Counseling
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigation: Pre-Practicum in School Counseling
Robbins, Gina - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - PSYCH 840: Seminar: Pre-Practicum in School Counseling
Robbins, Gina - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - PSYCH 816: Group Dynamics
Robbins, Gina - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - PSYCH 818: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Rose, Deatrea - 23/SU - 04/12/2023 - To serve on a thesis committee
Stockard, Beth - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - PSYCH 722: Fundamental of Tests and Measurement [Tested Experience]
Teaching and Leadership
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Clemensen, Jason - 4/8/2020
Daczewitz, Marcus - 12/2/2015
Diacopoulos, Mark - 4/8/2020
Dockers, Jean - 211/2015
Fehrenbach, Carolyn - 4/21/1990
Fincher, Bridgett - 4/10/2019
Frieden, Brenda - 7/14/2004
Gober, Carissa - 04/12/2023
Hicklin, Cherona - 7/14/2021
Hudiburg, Michelle - 6/8/2016
Martin, Dawn - 4/10/2019
Mascher, Elizabeth - 7/2016
Morton, Robert - 11/11/2015
Richardson, Jenifer - 08/09/2021
Roberts, Brenda - 10/08/2003
Runyan, Charles Kent - 04/21/1990
Sagehorn - Alice C. - 09/20/1995
Samuels, Julie - 05/09/2007
Scott, Steven - 05/15/1991
Sildus, Tatiana - 04/14/2004
Sims, Brian - 11/11/2015
Smith, Howard W. - 07/17/1996
Stewart, Kylie - 09/10/2008
Stuck, Kristi - 03/11/2015
Swanson, Terri - 04/09/2008
Graduate Service Faculty
Abbott, Angela - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher: Initial Experience
Adams, Kellen - 20/SU - 05/06/2020 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Designing and Implementing Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Interventions in Professional Learning Communities
Adams, Kellen - 21/SU - 06/09/2021 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Evidence Based Learning: Design, Implementation, Alignment for Student Learning
Adams, Kellen - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 910: Readings in Education
Adams, Kellen - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 990: Special Research Project
Angel, Joshua - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 862: General Education Curriculum for Students with High Incidence Disabilities
Angel, Joshua - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Augspurger, Bobbie - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - TCHL 841: Elementary Mathematics and Science
Augspurger, Bobbie - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 831: Literacy for the Primary Grades
Augspurger, Bobbie - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - EDTH 735: Information Literacy and Inquiry
Bartlow, Amy - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - TCHL 841: Elementary Mathematics and Science
Biermann, Brian - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - LDSP 863: Supervision of Instruction
Biermann, Brian - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Biermann, Brian - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Biermann, Brian - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Bollinger, Rex - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 870: Grant Writing/External Resources
Bollinger, Rex - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - TCHL 870: Grant Writing and External Resources
Camp, Michael David - 22/SP - 02/09/2022 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Camp, Michael David - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - TCHL 849: Professional Semester Teaching-Culminating Experience
Camp, Michael David - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Camp, Michael David - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - TCHL 930: Seminar in Research Skills
Charvonneau, Jeff - 22/SP - 12/01/2021 - TCHL 741: Seminar: 2022 Leadership Forum [Tested Experience]
Clemensen, Jason - 20/SU - 04/08/2020 - LDSP 809: Legal Foundations of Public Education
Clemensen, Jason - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - LDSP 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Cook, Shelia - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - FCS 771: Directed Readings in FCS
Diacopoulos, Mark - 20/SU - 04/08/2020 - LDSP 835: Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
Diacopoulos, Mark -20/SU - 04/08/2020 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Doelling, Jane - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 833: Leadership and Collaboration
Doelling, Jane - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Doelling, Jane - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - SPED 852: Characteristics of Students with Low-Incidence Learning Needs
Doelling, Jane - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - SPED 861: The Professional Semester
Doelling, Jane - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - SPED 852: Characteristics of Students with Low-Incidence Learning Needs
Drake, Mark - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - LDSP 801: Educational Leadership Theory
Finley, Stacie - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Development
Finley, Stacie - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - TCHL 849: Professional Semester Teacher: Ceulminating Experience
Finley, Stacie - 20/SU - 04/08/2020 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Gilbreth, Stephen - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 LDSP 894: Applied Research
Gilbreth, Stephen - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - LDSP 809: Legal Foundations of Public Education
Gilbreth, Stephen - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - LDSP 800: Introduction to Educational Leadership
Graham, Teresa - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - SPED 830: Teaching Students with ASD: Early Childhood
Graham, Teresa - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Greeson, Lori - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Gober, Carissa - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Gober, Carissa - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - LDSP 863: Supervision of Instruction
Hail, Cynthia - 21/WF - 09/09/2021 - TCHL 844: Literacy and Social Studies for the Intermediate Grades
Hail, Cynthia - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods and Instructional Materials for English Language Learners
Harrison, Elizabeth - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Henderson-Wilson, Robin - 20/WF - EDTH 868: Educational Technology
Henderson-Wilson, Robin - 20/WF - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester
Henderson-Wilson, Robin - 20/SP - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Hobson, Jericho - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Hobson, Jericho - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - TCHL 841: Elementary Mathematics and Science
Hobson, Jericho - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - TCHL 844: Literacy & Social Studies for the Intermediate Grades
Hollan, Charity - 20/WF - 07/08/2020 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester
Hollan, Charity - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Hollan, Charity - 22/WF - 09/14/2022 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher-Initial Experience
Hunter-Boyce, Melissa - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - READ 720: Content Literature for Middle/Secondary Teaching
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High-Incidence Learning Needs
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High-Incidence Learning Needs
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 860: Practicum in Low-Incidence Learning Needs
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - SPED 861: The Professional Semester
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - SPED 750: Assessment in Special Education
Jesteadt, Lindsay - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High-Incidence Learning Needs
Jones, Glenda - 23/SU - 07/12/2023 - TCHL 831: Literacy for Primary Grades
Jones, Glenda - 23/SU - 07/12/2023 - TCHL 842: Integrating Creative Experiences
Kegler, C. Jason - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - TCHL 810: Reading in Education
Knaup, Kayce - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities (Elementary)
Knaup, Kayce - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - SPED 849: Partnerships with Families with Exceptional Children and Youth
Knight-Beck, Ronald - 20/WF - 09/16/2020 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Knight-Beck, Ronald - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Lambeth, Debbie - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - READ 720: Content Literacy for Middle and Secondary Teachers
Lambeth, Debbie - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - READ 869: Literacy Topics and Trends
McCauley, Tamekia - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods and Instructional Materials for English Language Learners
Meitl, Liz - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester-Initial Experience
Meitl, Liz - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - TCHL 849: The Professional Semester Culminating Experience
Meitl, Liz - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Meitl, Liz - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Meitl, Liz - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Nix, Tracey - 20/SP - 12/04/2019 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High Incidence Learning Needs
Nix, Tracey - 20/SP -11/13/2019 - TCHL 849: Professional Semester Teacher: Culminating Experience
Nix, Tracey - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - TCHL 851: Multiple Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Nix, Tracey - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods of Instruction
Parker, Kurt - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Paul-Newby, Maritza - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Pearson, Mary - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - SPED 815: Individual with Exceptionalities
Rampy, Tracy - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology: Digital Literacy
Rampy, Tracy - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Rampy, Tracy - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure [Tested Experience]
Rampy, Tracy - 20/SU - 04/08/2020 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Development
Rampy, Tracy - 21/SU - 04/21/2021 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Rampy, Tracy - 20/WF - 07/06/2020 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology
Rampy, Tracy - 20/WF - 03/10/2021 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology
Rampy, Tracy - 23/SP - 11/09/2022 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Rampy, Tracy - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Rampy, Tracy - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology
Richardson, Jennifer - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 831: Literacy for Primary Grades
Shaw, Ashley - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - SPED 750: Assessments in Special Education
Shaw, Ashley - 21/WF - 04/21/2021 - SPED 755: Individualized Education Program
Shaw, Ashley - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - SPED 750: Assessment in Special Education
Shaw, Ashley - 23/WF - 04/12/2023 - SPED 755: Individualized Education Programming
Shaw, Kimberly - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Sowers, Thomas - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Tackett, Katherine - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - LDSP 800: Introduction to Educational Leadership
Tackett, Katherine - 23/WF - 09/13/2023 - LDSP 801: Educational Leadership Policy and Practice
Tackett, Katherine - 24/SP - 11/08/2023 - LDSP 847: The Principalship
Truelove, James - 24/WF - 07/10/2024 - TCHL 841: Elementary Mathematics and Science
Truelove, James - 24/WF - 07/10/2024 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Viveros, Mary - 20/SP - 11/13/2019 - READ 720: Content Literacy for Middle and Secondary Teachers
Watkins, L. Diane Swender - 22/SP - 12/01/2021 - TCHL 741: Sem: PBSD: Standards-based Curriculum Design and Alignment Integrating Webb's Depth of Knowledge, Essential Outcomes, Vocabulary, and Essential Questions
Watkins, L. Diane Swender - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - TCHL 741: Sem: RBSD Effect
Watkins, L. Diane Swender - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Professional Development - Teaching Strategies, USD 506 Altamont
Weaver, Jason - 20/SU - 06/10/2020 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology
Weaver, Laura - 22/SU - 06/08/2022 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Weaver, Laura - 23/SP - 02/20/2023 - TCHL 891: Methods of Reseach
Weaver, Laura - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - SPED 833: Leadership and Collaboration in Special Education
Wilson Hail, Cynthia - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods & Instructional Materials for English Language Learners
Wire, G. Kent - 20/SP - 02/12/2020 - LDSP 800: Introduction to Educational Leadership
Wire, G. Kent - 23/SU - 06/14/2023 - TCHL 741: Seminar: 23SU Effect Education Practice
Zerr, Donna - 21/SU - 05/05/2021 - TCHL 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Zerr, Donna - 23/SU - 04/12/2023 - LDSP 847: The Principalship
Technology and Workforce Learning
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Belcher, Gregory - 11/18/1998
Dainty, Julie - 12/05/2012
Elliott, Kevin - 12/02/2015
Fincher, Derrel - 05/03/2023
Frisbee, Robert - 11/18/1998
Goris, Tatiana - 02/13/2019
Iley, John - 11/01/1985
Johnson, Mark - 07/19/1994
Jones, Jon - 02/13/2019
Klenke, Andrew - 05/06/2009
Lewis, Krissy - 09/11/2024
McKay, Byron - 03/08/2023
Morton, Vern - 01/20/1993
Sandford, Brian - 05/07/2008
Smetana, Judy - 12/06/2017
Younger, Douglas - 02/14/2018
Graduate Service Faculty
Backs, Jordan - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - WPM 795: Special Topic in Wood
Bastion, Susan - 21/SP - 2/10/2021 - GRT 887: Statistical Applications/Data Analysis in Technology
Bastion, Susan - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - GRT 891: Research Methods
Bastion, Susan - 23/SP - 12/07/2022 - GRT 887: Statistical Applications/Data Analysis in Technology
Bastion, Susan - 23/SP - 12/07/2022 - GRT 891: Research Methods in Technology
Brown, Matthew - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - GRT 720: Technology Management and Innovation
Dellasega, Susan - 21/SP - 2/10/2021 - HRD 785: Lesson Development
Dellasega, Susan - 22/SP - 12/01/2021 - HRD 785: Lesson Development
Dellasega, Susan - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - HRD 775: Instructional Technology
Fincher, Derrel - 21/WF - 9/09/2021 - GRT 713: Computer Programming Languages
Fincher, Derrel - 21/WF - 9/09/2021 - GRT 714: Network Administration Concepts
Fincher, Derrel - 21/WF - 9/09/2021 - GRT 788: Lean Manufacturing
Fincher, Derrel - 22/SU - 5/4/2022 - GRT 715: Leadership Strategies in IT
Fincher, Derrel - 22/SU - 7/13/2022 - TWL 897: Seminar in Technology: IT Leadership Strategies
Floyd, Jayson - 22/WF - 9/14/2022 - TTED 808: Work-Based Learning in Career and Technical Education
Hahn, Amanda - 23/WF - 10/11/2023 - HRD 852: Organizational Development and Change
Hahn, Amanda - 24/SP - 10/11/2023 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Learning Interventions
Huffman, Chauncey Rion - 20/SP - 2/12/2020 - GIT 840: Color Reproduction
Kayanan, Leslie - 20/WF - 10/21/2020 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Kayanan, Leslie - 22/WF - 05/04/2022 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Kayanan, Leslie - 24/WF - 07/10/2024 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Kuefler, John - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - TTED 741: Programming Workshop [Tested Experience]
Kuefler, John - 22/WF - 07/13/2022 - TTED 741: Seminar: Methods of Teaching and Programming
Lewis, Krissy - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - HRD 741: HRD Strategies for Quality Improvement
Lewis, Krissy - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - HRD 852: Organizational Development and Change
Liu, Tingting - 21/WF - 10/13/2021 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Learning
Manikoth, Nisha - 20/WF - 10/21/2020 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Learning
McKay, Byron - 21/SP - 02/10/2021 - GRT 799: Professional Development for Technologists
Maiseroulle, Trevor - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - GRT 850: Technology and Society
Maiseroulle, Trevor - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - GRT 891: Research Methods in Technology
Maiseroulle, Trevor - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - GRT 720: Technology Management and Innovation
Phillips, Charles - 20/WF - 10/21/2020 - TWL 795: Topic in Wood (Wood Curr Dev and/or Architectural Manufacturing Management & Technology)
Phillips, Charles - 21/WF - 06/09/2021 - WT 795: Special Topics in Wood Technology
Su, Sho-Hsien "Tony" - 20/WF - 03/11/2020 - TTED 887: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Su, Sho-Hsien - 21/SP - 11/11/2020 - TTED 887: Data Analysis
Su, Sho-Hsien - 23/SP - 12/07/2022 - TTED 887: Data Analysis and Interpretation in Technology
Venneberg, Donald - 21/WF - 06/09/2021 - HRD 804: Leadership Management
Workman, Daniel - 20/WF - 03/11/2020 - HRD 775: Instructional Technology
Workman, Daniel - 20/WF - 03/11/2020 - HRD 785: Lesson Development
Workman, Daniel - 22/WF - 05/04/2022 - HRD 775 Instructional Technology
Yarberry, Shana - 22/SP - 12/01/2021 - HRD 753: Workforce Development
Yarberry, Shana - 23/WF - 07/12/2023 - HRD 706: Strategies in the Development of Human Resources
Women's Studies
Graduate Service Faculty Historical Listing
Graduate Teaching Faculty
Chandra, Kailash - Accounting and CIS - 09/01/1982
Del Vecchio, Stephen - Accounting and CIS - 03/13/2013
Dreher, Felix - Accounting and CIS
Fay, Jack - Accounting and CIS - 10/01/1996
Hardin, J. Russell - Accounting and CIS - 07/16/1997
Harris, James - Accounting and CIS - 09/01/1979
Heath, Rebekah A. - Accounting and CIS - 02/14/2007
Jones, Roberta - Accounting and CIS - 11/12/2003
Reding, Kurt F. - Accounting and CIS - 07/16/1997
Roush, Melvin L. - Accounting and CIS - 3/13/2013
Rupp, Galen - Accounting and CIS - 06/01/1982
Bowman, Stephanie K. -Art - 07/17/2002
Kucharski, Malcolm - Art - 07/12/1989
Moody, Larrie - Art - 02/01/1990
Schick, Marjorie - Art - 01/01/1971
Shand, Rhona E. - Art - 07/17/2002
Arruda, Joseph - Biology - 06/21/1989
Brooker, Nancy - Biology - 11/16/1994
Campbell, Hugh - Biology - 07/03/1975
Ford, Cynthia - Biology - 07/16/1997
Ford, Steven - Biology - 09/17/1986
Gordon, David M. - Biology - 09/12/2001
Smith, Dixie - Biology - 09/12/2001
Timme, Steve - Biology - 10/18/1989
Triplett, James - Biology - 09/17/1981
Wu, Xiaolu - Biology - 02/11/2009
Guo, Andrew - Chemistry - 02/14/2007
Hamlet, Peter - Chemistry - 09/27/1977
Ionescu, Mihail - Chemistry - 02/14/2007
Pavlis, Robert - Chemistry - 09/23/1987
Shah, Bipin - Chemistry - 05/9/2007
Allan, Cynthia L. - Communication - 11/02/1999
Arbuckle, Mark - Communication - 10/10/2001
Bennett, Doug - Communication - 05/04/2011
Hamilton, Peter - Communication
Hudson, Leonard - Communication - 09/12/2007
Kling, Trenton - Communication - 02/12/2014
Knowles, Donald - Communication - 06/12/2019
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 05/05/2010
Williams, Daniel - Communication - 10/12/2005
Emadipour, Henry - Construction - 12/16/1998
Hahn, Thomas - Construction - 02/14/2007
Henning, James - Construction - 11/08/2006
Leland, John - Construction - 11/13/2002
Lookadoo, James - Construction - 12/16/1998
Susnik, Robert - Construction - 02/11/2009
Tullis, James - Construction - 11/13/2002
Williamson, W. Larry - Construction - 11/13/2002
Bracker, Kevin - Economics, Finance and Banking - 12/2012
Fischer, Charles - Economics, Finance and Banking - 12/05/2012
Muoghalu, Michael - Economics, Finance and Banking - 02/1989
Dallman, Bruce - Engineering Technology - 09/09/2015
Emadipour, Henry - Engineering Technology - 12/16/1998
Hahn, Thomas - Engineering Technology - 2/14/2007
Henning, James - Engineering Technology - 11/08/2006
Leland, John - Engineering Technology - 11/13/2002
Lookadoo, James - Engineering Technology - 12/16/1998
Schaffner, Steve - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2015
Susnik, Robert - Engineering Technology - 02/11/2009
Tullis, James - Engineering Technology - 11/13/2002
Williamson, W. Larry - Engineering Technology - 09/01/1981
Cox, Sandra - English and Modern Languages - 04/08/2015
DeGrave, Kathleen - English and Modern Languages - 06/01/1989
Franklin, Lizanne - English and Modern Languages - 07/20/2011
Greene, James - English and Modern Languages - 09/2014
Meats, Stephen - English and Modern Languages - 07/01/1979
Morgan, Lyle - English and Modern Languages - 09/01/1984
Morris, Paul - English and Modern Languages - 08/25/1999
Nichols, Kathleen - English and Modern Languages - 11/01/1978
O'Hearn, Carolyn - English and Modern Languages - 06/01/1989
Teller, Stephen - English and Modern Languages - 04/08/2009
Bertoncino, Denise - Family and Consumer Sciences - 10/10/2001
Olson, Lynette - Family and Consumer Sciences - 11/20/1996
Venter-Barkley, Jan - Family and Consumer Sciences - 10/13/2004
Werhan, Carol - Family and Consumer Sciences - 02/08/2012
Whitbeck, Duane A. - Family and Consumer Sciences - 02/17/1999
Bauchmoyer, Sandra L. - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 04/01/1975
Bryant, Tom - Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Crawford, Derek - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 04/13/2016
Ferguson, Dan - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 10/09/2002
Hefley, Robert D. - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 10/16/1991
Killingsworth, Charles - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 12/13/2000
Leiker, Mike - Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Stobart, Bill - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 09/13/2000
Stockard, Jerry - Health, Human Performance and Recreation - 09/01/1977
Balasco, Lauren - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 11/09/2016
Betti, Daniel - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/11/2013
Bonnekessen, Barbara - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/10/2014
Busby, Wayne - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/01/1994
Harmon, Stephen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 07/17/2002
Henrie, Christopher - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/04/2001
Humphries, Harry - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 06/01/1988
Kelley, Michael - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2001
Kin, Hyun Joong - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007
Kunkel, Karl - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 10/2011
McBain, James - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 06/09/2010
Mobley, Kayce - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 11/09/2016
Ratzlaff, Robert - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences
Shaw, Judith - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 02/01/1989
Stucky-Halley, Dorothy - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 02/13/2002
Walther, Thomas - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences
Zagorski, Paul - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/1/1976
Guraja, Praveen Kumar - Kelce College of Business - 03/10/2021
Box, Thomas - Management and Marking - 05/15/1991
Dearth, Richard - Management and Marking - 04/11/2007
Fischer, Arthur - Management and Marking - 11/01/1988
Harris, Eric - Management and Marking - 04/11/2007
Hodson, Brad - Management and Marking - 03/13/2013
McLane, Dave - Management and Marking - 03/13/2013
Childers, Leah - Mathematics - 05/04/2011
Davis, Elwyn - Mathematics
McGrath, Gary - Mathematics - 11/01/1971
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 12/08/2010
Berry-Bravo, Judy - Modern Languages & Literature - 11/14/2001
Fernandez, Edmee - Modern Languages & Literature - 10/09/2002
Patrick, Bert - Modern Languages & Literature - 09/01/1974
Polk, Randi - Modern Languages & Literature - 10/12/2005
West, Mark - Modern Languages & Literature - 12/12/2001
Giray, Selim - Music - 11/13/2002
Hastings, Stella - Music - 09/4/2004
Hurley, David - Music - 12/11/1996
Samarzea, Kelly - Music - 09/12/2007
Wright-Martin, Jessie - Music - 06/09/2004
Bowling, Sharon -Nursing
Branstetter-Hall, Jo Ellen - Nursing - 11/11/2015
Hinton, Ruthellyn H. - Nursing - 11/14/2001
Seglie, Susan - Nursing - 02/14/2007
Backes, Robert - Physics
Blatchley, Charles - Physics - 10/19/1994
Kahol, Pawan - Physics - 10/14/2015
Konopelko, Alexander - Physics - 12/10/2008
Shoberg, Tom - Physics - 05/21/2000
Tayo, Benjamin - Physics - 06/09/2014
Wijesinghe, Ranjith - Physics - 09/12/2001
Bachner, Harriet - Psychology and Counseling - 04/01/2006
Boekhout, Brock - Psychology and Counseling - 06/09/2004
Bradley, David - Psychology and Counseling - 03/06/2019
Brannock, Becky S. - Psychology and Counseling - 05/10/1995
Christensen, Lee - Psychology and Counseling
Connelly, John - Psychology and Counseling
Duvall, Stephen F. - Psychology and Counseling - 09/14/2011
Hippe, Douglas - Psychology and Counseling - 09/17/2003
Hoyer, Stephen - Psychology and Counseling - 06/01/1988
Lindskog, C.O. (Rick) - Psychology and Counseling - 03/16/1994
Litten, Mary Jo - Psychology and Counseling - 07/22/1998
Murdock, Gwendolyn - Psychology and Counseling - 09/09/2009
Sharp, Conni - Psychology and Counseling - 05/12/1993
Sheyerbush, Robert - Psychology and Counseling -
Slater, Regan M. - Psychology and Counseling - 06/10/2015
Sparks, Rozanne - Psychology and Counseling - 03/01/1987
Townsend, David - Psychology and Counseling - 04/11/2007
Ward, Donald - Psychology and Counseling - 09/01/1976
Wickerd, Gary - Psychology and Counseling - 06/10/2015
Christman, Chris - Teaching & Leadership - 10/08/2003
Deatherage, Warren - Teaching & Leadership - 07/01/1985
Dishman-Horst, Marilyn - Teaching & Leadership - 02/14/2007
Elliott, Craig - Teaching & Leadership - 05/09/2007
Friend, Anna - Teaching & Leadership - 05/07/2008
George, Ann - Teaching & Leadership - 09/13/2006
Knell, Susan - Teaching & Leadership - 11/13/2002
Knoll, Linda - Teaching & Leadership - 04/19/2000
Letendre, Brenda - Teaching & Leadership - 12/16/1998
Lipka, Richard -Teaching & Leadership
McDougle, Kenny - Teaching & Leadership - 04/21/1990
Miller, Frank - Teaching & Leadership - 09/16/1992
Smith, Cindy - Teaching & Leadership - 12/05/2012
Smith, Howard R. - Teaching & Leadership - 05/13/1998
Spillman, Kathleen - Teaching & Leadership - 04/10/2013
Stidham, Sue - Teaching & Leadership - 06/22/1999
Streich, Edwin - Teaching & Leadership - 12/05/2012
Taylor, V. June - Teaching & Leadership - 12/15/1999
Tompkins, Andy - Teaching & Leadership - 03/28/2008
White, Victoria - Teaching & Leadership - 04/12/2006
Willard, Ray - Teaching & Leadership - 06/08/2005
York, Marti - Teaching & Leadership - 11/15/2000
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 04/12/2017
Adams, Roger - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/24/1994
Adams, Shawn - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/17/2003
Baldwin, Tom - Technology and Workforce Learning - 03/16/2005
Barnard, Joni - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/13/2006
Chen, T. H. (John) - Technology and Workforce Learning
Gordon, Kenneth - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/13/1989
Herling, Richard - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2008
McCormick, Ted - Technology and Workforce Learning - 01/01/2006
Miles, David - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/09/2007
Neden, Michael - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/01/1988
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/11/2015
Schwindt, Robert - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/01/1988
Seifert, Linda - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/13/1998
Snyder, Peggy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/16/1997
Whitbeck, Duane - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/10/2018
Graduate Service Faculty
Bevins, Ryan - Accounting and CIS - 02/11/2009 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Casey, Rebecca - Accounting and CIS - 04/08/2009 - ACCTG 811: Seminar: XBRL
Casey, Rebecca - Accounting and CIS - 02/14/2007 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Choi, Jaie Joon - Accounting and CIS - 12/05/2013 - CIS 801: Topics: Special Projects
Clements, Curtis - Accounting and CIS - 09/04/2004 - ACCTG 819: Cost Management
Del Vecchio, Shephen - Accounting and CIS - 04/11/2012 - ACCTG 813: Financial Statement Analysis
Del Vecchio, Stephen - Accounting and CIS - 04/11/2012 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Goedeke, Mary Jo - Accounting and CIS - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - ACCTG 811: Seminar in Advanced Taxation
Goedeke, Mary Jo - Accounting and CIS - 04/12/2017 - ACCTG 812: Tax Research
Haenchen, Steven - Accounting and CIS - 02/11/2015 - CIS 801: Network Forensics
Hines, Chris - Accounting and CIS - 06/11/2008 - ACCTG 813: Financial Statement Analysis
Roush, Melvin - Accounting and CIS - 11/09/2011 - ACCTG 814: Management Control Systems
Roush, Melvin - Accounting and CIS - 11/09/2011 - ACCTG 819: Cost Management
Yarick, Gail - Accounting and CIS - 12/02/2015 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Yarick, Gail - Accounting and CIS - 12/06/2017 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Yarick, Gail - Accounting and CIS - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - ACCTG 811: Seminar: Auditing and Assurance Service
Yarick, Gail - Accounting and CIS - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - ACCTG 815: Financial Statement Auditing
Flageolle, Andree - Art - 07/14/2006 - ART 701: Independent Studies
Flageolle, Andree - Art - 07/14/2006 - ART 801: Independent Studies
Flageolle, Andree - Art - 06/01/2006 - ART 894: Research Seminar: Modern Art
Flageolle, Andree - Art - 11/14/2007 - ART 895: Research Seminar: Contemporary Art
Moody, Meredith - Art - 11/14/2007 - ART 701: Independent Study
Moody, Meredith - Art - 11/14/2007 - ART 801: Independent Study
Moody, Meredith - Art - 11/14/2007 - ART 895: Research Seminar: Contemporary Art
Tseng, Li Li - Art - 11/10/2010 - ART 701: Independent Study: Art History
Tseng, Li Li - Art - 11/10/2010 - ART 801: Independent Study: Art History
Tseng, Li Li - Art - 11/10/2010 - ART 895: Research Seminar: Contemporary Art
Downing, Ron - Automotive Technology - 05/07/2008 - AT 795: Special Topics: USA 2008 Educators
Jones, Charles - Automotive Technology - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - AT 890: Transportation Industry Service Management and Product Support
Keller, Matthew - Automotive Technology - 05/09/2007 - AT 795: Daimler Chrysler Injection
Keller, Matthew - Automotive Technology - 05/09/2007 - AT 795: A Tech Training
Keller, Matthew - Automotive Technology - 05/09/2007 - AT 795: Special Topics: Tundra and New Techno
Keller, Matthew - Automotive Technology - 05/09/2007 - AT Sherwin Williams Materials: Trends in Collision Repair
Norman, Robert Scott - Automotive Technology - 04/10/2013 - AT 795: Special Topics: Skills USA 2013 Educators
Norman, Robert Scott - Automotive Technology - 04/08/2015 - AT 795: Special Topics: SkillsUSA for Educators
Schroer, Robert - Automotive Technology - 05/09/2007 - AT 795: Special Topics: Dyno and Performance Systems
Ghosh, Anuradha - Biology - 11/11/2015 - BIOL 802: Adv. Topic
Ghosh, Anuradha - Biology - 11/11/2015 - BIOL 890: Research and Thesis
Nonnenmacher, Hermann - Biology - 10/2011 - BIOL 802: Adv. Topics: Identification of Fall Plants
Nonnenmacher, Hermann - Biology - 10/2011 - BIOL 802: Adv. Topics: Botany
Nonnenmacher, Hermann - Biology - 10/2011 - BIOL 890: Research and Thesis
Raghavan, Ram - Biology - 09/2014 - BIOL 890: Research and Thesis
Ramahlo-Ortigoa, Marcelo - Biology - 12/08/2010 - BIOL 890: Research and Thesis
Schmidt, Neal - Biology - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - BIOL 802: Advanced Topics in Biology- Pathophysiology
Schmidt, Neal - Biology - 09/13/2006 - BIOL 802: Advanced Topics in Biology: Heavy Metals Toxicology
Schmidt, Neal - Biology - 07/2014 - BIOL 802: Pathophysiology
Whitney, James - Biology - 03/09/2016 - BIOL 802: Advanced Topic
Whitney, James - Biology - 03/09/2016 - BIOL 834: Fisheries Management
Banerjee, Tuhina - Chemistry - 12/06/2017 - CHEM 875: Advanced Biochemistry
Cruz, Arvin - Chemistry - 09/14/2011 - CHEM 735: Laboratory Safety and Compliance
Cruz, Arvin - Chemistry - 09/14/2011 - CHEM 863: Advanced Organic Chemistry
Dawsey, Timothy - Chemistry - 12/02/2015 - Participation in MS thesis committee as a member
Hong, Jian - Chemistry - 12/02/2015 - Participation in MS thesis committee as a member
Jaso, Vladislav - Chemistry - 12/02/2015 - Participation in MS thesis committee as a member
Milic, Jalena - Chemistry - 02/10/2010 - CHEM 815: Advanced Topics Polyurethane Labs
Madhusudhan, Srinivasas - Chemistry - 03/14/2012 - CHEM 890: Research and Thesis
Cooper, Gil - Communication - 02/10/2010 - COMM 708: Problems in Teaching the Basic Speech Course
Cooper, Gil - Communication - 11/11/2009 - COMM 740: Topics: Speech COMM and COMM Education
Crisler, Derek - Communication - 09/10/2008 - COMM 733: Television Directing and Producing
Depping, Mark - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 715: Documentary Film Making
Depping, Mark - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 733: Television Directing and Producing
Depping, Mark - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 740: Topics in Comm: Broadcasting
Edwards, Erica - Communication - 04/13/2011 - COMM 733: Producing and Directing: Field Production
Letner, Joshua - Communication -11/12/2014 - COMM 717 Research Procedures in Communication
Letner, Joshua - Communication - 11/12/2014 - COMM 731: Advertising Campaigns
Letner, Joshua - Communication - 12/04/2013 - COMM 765: Strategic Planning/Communication Campaigns
Letner, Joshua - Communication - 07/2012 - COMM 775: Case Studies in PR
Mason, Alicia - Communication - 11/11/2009 - COMM 740: Topics in Communication (Adv. PR, Health Communication)
Mason, Alicia - Communication - 11/11/2009 - COMM 765: Strategic Planning/Comm Campaigns
Mason, Alicia - Communication - 04/14/2010 - COMM 795: Issues: Risk and Crisis Communication
Miller, Victor - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 702: Mass Media Management
Miller, Victor - Communication - 06/13/2007 - COMM 721: Philosophy and Ethics in Mass Communication
Miller, Victor - Communication - 02/09/2008 - COMM 733: Directing and Producing
Nisbett, Gwendolyn - Communication - 09/14/2011 - COMM 717: Research Procedures
Nisbett, Gwendolyn - Communication - 09/14/2011 - COMM 731: Ad Campaigns
Nisbett, Gwendolyn - Communication - 09/14/2011 - COMM 795: Issues in Comm: Political Communication
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 02/09/2005 - COMM 733: Directing and Producing
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 740: Topics in COMM: Public Relations
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 740: Topics in COMM: Advertising
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 765: Strategic Planning/Communication Campaigns
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 09/12/2007 - COMM 775: Case Studies in Public Relations
Noltensmeyer, Candy - Communication - 02/09/2005 - COMM 795: Issues in Communication Event Planning
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 10/14/2009 - COMM 731: Advertising Campaigns
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 11/11/2009 - COMM 740: Topics in Communication (Advertising, PR, Int'l, Political)
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 10/14/2009 - COMM 775: Case Studies in Public Relations
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 10/14/2009 - COMM 785: International Communication
Shao, Guosong - Communication - 11/11/2009 - COMM 840: Topics in Communication (Advertising, PR, Int'l, Political)
Levens, Joseph - Construction Management - 07/10/2014 - CMCET 795: Construction: Best Practices
Levens, Josepeh - Construction Management - 02/08/2017 - CMCET 795: Special Topics: Lean Construction
Levens, Joseph - Construction Management - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - CMCET 795: Special Topic- Lean Construction
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 19/WF - 04/10/2019 - CMCET 836: Virtual Design & Construction
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 19/WF - 04/10/2019 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 19/WF - 04/10/2019 - CMCET 833: Estimating and Bidding Strategy
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 12/08/2010 - CMCET 795: Special Topics: BIM/VDC Process
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 04/09/2008 - CMCET 833: Bidding and Estimating
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 11/13/2013 - CMCET 833: Bidding and Estimating
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 11/11/2015 - CMCET 833: Estimating and Bidding Strategy
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/14/2017 - CMCET 833: Estimating and Bidding Strategy
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 04/09/2008 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 04/08/2015 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/12/2013 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/14/2017 - CMCET 834: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/12/2013 - CMCET 836: Virtual Design and Construction
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 04/08/2015 - CMCET 836: Virtual Design and Construction
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/14/2017 - CMCET 836: Visual Design
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 06/14/2017 - CMCET 864: Advanced Construction Management
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 11/13/2013 - CMCET 895: Special Topics
Strenth, William - Construction Management - 04/09/2008 - GRT 899: Quantitative Decision Making in Industry
Binder, Alex - Economics, Finance and Banking - 06/08/2016 - ECON 805: Economic Analysis
Kreicker, Kimberley - English - 07/09/2008 - ENGL 714: Applied Linguistics for ESOL
McCune, Morgan - English - 12/5/2012 - ENGL 890: Research and Thesis
Aba, Eli - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2015 - ETECH 804: Quality: Management & Control
Aba, Eli - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2015 - ETECH 804: Quality: Management & Control
Aba, Eli - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2015 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Aba, Eli - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2015 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 12/08/2012 - ETECH 795: Special Topics: Advanced Electromagnetics
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2011 - ETECH 810: Collaborative Projects in Engineering Technology
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2011 - ETECH 843: Adv. Engineering Electromagnetics
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 11/09/2011 - MCMET 861: Mechanics of Composite Construction
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 12/08/2010 - ETECH 888: Design of Experiments
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 11/11/2009 - PET 888: Design of Experiments
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 02/10/2010 - ETECH 890: Research and Thesis
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 10/14/2009 - ETECH 895: Adv. Topics: Engineering Technology Electronics
Beyle, Andrey - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2011 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making in Industry
Bhasin, Bharat - Engineering Technology - 02/11/2015 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Book, Don - Engineering Technology - 10/12/2005 - ETECH 795/895: Special Topics/Advanced Topics
Book, Rebeca - Engineering Technology - 11/11/2009 - PET 882: Adv. Plastics Materials/Processes
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 18/WF - 10/10/2018 - ETECH 831: Value Engineering
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - ETECH 831: Value Engineering
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 18/WF - 7/11/2018 - ETECH 852: Integrated DESGN/MANUF Concept
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - ETECH 861: Mechanics of Composites and Structures
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 04/12/2017 - ETECH 809: Engineering Project
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2016 - ETECH 831: Value Engineering
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2016 - ETECH 852: Integrated Design
Foyet, Patrick - Engineering Technology - 11/09/2016 - MECET 861: Mechanics Composites and Structures
Herring, Paul - Engineering Technology - 06/10/2009 - ETECH 805: Current Issues in ETECH
Herring, Paul - Engineering Technology - 04/08/2009 - ETECH 831: Value Engineering
Herring, Paul - Engineering Technology - 11/11/2009 - ETECH 852: Integrated Design/Manufacturing Management
Herring, Paul - Engineering Technology - 09/13/2006 - ETECH 895: Advanced Topics: Engineering Technology
Jones, Mark - Engineering Technology - 05/09/2007 - ETECH 809: Engineering Management
Jones, Mark - Engineering Technology - 02/13/2008 - ETECH 810: Collaborative Projects in ETECH
Lee, Chong Myoung - Engineering Technology - 12/05/2012 - ETECH 810: Collaborative Projects
Lee, Chong Myoung - Engineering Technology - 12/05/2012 - ETECH 861: Mechanics of Composites and Structures
Lee, Chong Myoung - Engineering Technology - 12/05/2012 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Lomshek, David - Engineering Technology - 11/12/2008 - ETECH 795: Catia
Lomshek, David - Engineering Technology - 02/14/2007 - ETECH 895: Catia
McBride, Rhonda - Engineering Technology - 02/10/2016 - ETECH 809: Engineering Project Management
Maxwell, Dan - Engineering Technology - 12/02/2015 - METECH 861: Mechanics of Composites and Structures
Mazumder, Quamrul - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2005 - ETECH 831: Value Engineering
Mazumder, Quamrul - Engineering Technology - 09/14/2005 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Murray, Gregory - Engineering Technology - 07/09/2008 - ETECH 809: Engineering Management
Skaggs, Brock (Frankie) - Engineering Technology - 07/10/2014 - ETECH 852: Integrated Design/Manufacturing Concepts
Skaggs, Brock (Frankie) - Engineering Technology - 09/11/2013 - ETECH 899: Quantitative Decision Making
Sundaram, Murali - Engineering Technology - 05/06/2009 - ETECH 805: Current Issues in ETECH
Sundaram, Murali - Engineering Technology - 05/06/2009 - ETECH 810: Collaborative Projects in Engineering Technology
Templeton, James Ryan - Engineering Technology - 09/11/2013 - EET 845: Advanced Microprocessor System/Applications
Dowell, Angela - Family & Consumer Sciences - 02/14/2007 - FCS 740: Special Topics
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 10/08/2008 - FCS 730: Independent Study: Env. Studies
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 10/08/2008 - FCS 740: Special Topics: College Teaching Practicum
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 05/09/2007 - FCS 740: Special Topics: Issues & Assessments in FACS
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 05/06/2009 - FCS 740: Sp. Topics: Current Teaching Practices in FACS
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 04/13/2011 - FCS 740: Sp. Topics: Extension Research
Elliott, Cristine - Family & Consumer Sciences - 04/13/2011 - FCS 740: Sp. Topics: Advanced Teaching
Flotree, Kalari - Family & Consumer Sciences - 07/12/2017 - FCS 740: Special Topics: Product Development
Flotree, Kalari - Family & Consumer Sciences - 09/15/2017 - FCS 740: Special Topics: Product Development
Hendershot, Shawnee - Family & Consumer Sciences - 02/08/2017 - FCS 771: Directed Readings
Hendershot, Shawnee - Family & Consumer Sciences - 09/14/2016 - FCS 780: Family Violence and Child Abuse
Hendershot, Shawnee - Family & Consumer Sciences - 02/08/2017 - FCS 780: Family Violence and Child Abuse
Hendershot, Shawnee - Family & Consumer Sciences - 02/08/2017 - FCS 792: Exploration of Issues in Youth & Adolescence
Sagehorn, Holly - Family & Consumer Sciences - 11/10/2010 - FCS 740: Sp. Topics: Creating Problem Solving
Barry, Allison - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 19/SU - 04/10/2019 - HHPR 763: Scientific Principles
Brown, Steve - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - HHPR 801: Methods of Assessment in HHPR
Brown, Steve - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 07/10/2014 - HHPR 801: Methods of Assessment in HHPR
Brown, Steve - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/13/2016 - HHPR 801: Methods of Assessment in HHPR
Brown, Steve - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/09/2014 - HHPR 878: Social Psychology of Sport & Recreation
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/10/2013 - HHPR 704: Workshop: Creativity in the Classroom
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/09/2014 - HHPR 704: Therapeutic Activities in Older Adults
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/08/2015 - HHPR 704: Workshop: Activity for the Ages
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/13/2016 - HHPR 704: Workshop: Trend Setters
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 05/03/2017 - HHPR 704: Workshop: CTRS Prep
Covert, Laura - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 07/2012 - HHPR 895: Internship
Crawford, Derek - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 10/14/2015 - HHPR 763: Scientific Principles/Strenth Training
DeMoss, Megan - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 06/08/2005 - HHPR 704: Brain Based Cognitive Development Activities
DeMoss, Megan - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 06/08/2005 - HHPR 704: Brain-Based Cognitive Development Activities
Grimes, Michelle - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 04/13/2011 - HHPR 704: Ropes and Sports Conditioning
Hardy, Rick - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 10/12/2016 - HHPR 820: Foundations of Rec & Leisure
Leiker, Michael - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 10/11/2006 - HHPR 850: Mechanical Kinesiology
Oldfather, Susan - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 06/08/2005 - HHPR 704: Brain Based Cognitive Development Activities
Shewmake, Cole - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 09/10/2014 - HHPR 863: Biomechanics
Shewmake, Cole - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 11/12/2014 - HHPR 878: Social-Psychology of Sport and Recreation
Shewmaek, Cole - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 07/2016 - HHPR 891: Methods of Research
Williamson, Kaylah - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - HHPR 863: Biomechanics
Winklepleck, Bryce - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 11/12/2014 - HHPR 763: Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning
Winklepleck, Bryce - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 05/06/2015 - HHPR 763: Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning
Worell, Vicki - Human, Health, Performance & Recreation - 06/08/2005 - HHPR 704: Teaching Physical Education to State Standards
Childers, Christopher - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 16/WF - HIST 700: Kansas and the West
Childers, Christopher - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 16/WF - HIST 701: Early American Republic 1789-1848
Dalton, David C. - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 02/11/2007 - HIST 700: Echoes of the Past: Progressive Era II
Dalton, David C. - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 700: Gilded Age Revisited
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Early American Republic
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Women's History
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/10/2008 - HIST 805: Readings in American History: Early Republic
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/10/2008 - HIST 805: Readings in American History: Women's History
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/10/2008 - HIST 881: Introduction to College Teaching
Fischer, Kathleen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/04/2004 - HIST 890: Research and Thesis
Janisch, Roy - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 02/14/2007 - JUST 702: Community Policing
Kneeshaw, Stephen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 2/14/2007 - HIST 700: Echoes of the Past: Progressive
Kneeshaw, Stephen - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 02/13/2008 - HIST 700: Prelude to the Future: Biographies
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 700: Sports History
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 700: Modern America
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 11/14/2007 - HIST 700: Modern Japan
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 11/14/2007 - HIST 700: Modern China
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 805: Readings in American History
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 806: Readings in Modern Asia
Lindsay, Andrew - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/12/2007 - HIST 881: Orientation to College Teaching
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Post Communist Russia
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Modern East Asia
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Modern Japan
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Soviet Russia
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 700: Modern China
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 806: Readings in World History: China
Radchenko, Sergey - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 05/09/2007 - HIST 806: Readings in World History: Russia
Snodgrass, William - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/11/2013 - HIST 700: Modern America 1941-1968
Snodgrass, William - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 09/11/2013 - HIST 700: Sel. Subjects: Kansas and the West
Woods, Tresa - History, Philosophy and Social Sciences - 10/13/2004 - SOSCI 793: Special Topics in Social Work
Binder, Alexander - College of Business - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - ECON 827: Seminar in Economics
McKinnis, Michael - College of Business - 19/WF - 03/06/2019 - FIN 836: Financial Strategy
McKinnis, Michael - College of Business - 19/WF - 03/06/2019 - ACCTG 813: Financial Statement Analysis
Nance, Mary Judene - College of Business - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - IB 810: Topics in International Business *
Nance, Mary Judene - College of Business - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - MGT 821: Topics in Business *
Strong, Dwight - 19/WF - College of Business - 09/11/2019 - CIS 740: E-Business Application Development *
Wachter, Mary - College of Business - 19/WF - 04/10/2019 - MGT 821: Topics in Business
* approved for 19/WF semester only
McCune, Morgan - Library Services - 10/12/2016 - Serve on graduate thesis committees
Ahsan, Mujtaba - Management and Marketing - 06/01/2011 - MGMKT 821: Ind. Studies: Business Decisions
Ahsan, Mujtaba - Management and Marketing - 06/01/2011 - MGMKT 821: Ind. Studies: business Decision
Ahsan, Mujtaba - Management and Marketing - 06/11/2008 - MGMKT 895: Strategic Management
Arquino, Cathy Lee - Management and Marketing - 09/09/2015 - MGMKT 828: Leadership and Behavioral Management
Brooksher, Jamie - Management and Marketing - 12/06/2017 - MGMKT 830: Business, Government & Society
Williams, Dan - Management and Marketing - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - MGMKT 830: Business, Government and Society
Childers, Leah - Mathematics - 02/16/2011 - MATH 770: Mathematical Software
Childers, Leah - Mathematics - 02/16/2011 - MATH 836: Advanced Geometry
Van Thuong, Scott - Mathematics - 10/08/2014 - MATH 733: Topology
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 09/09/2009 - MATH 727: Linear Optimization
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 09/09/2009 - MATH 763: Numerical Linear Algebra
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 09/09/2009 - MATH 870: Topics: Advanced Numerical Analysis
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 11/11/2009 - MATH 863: Seminar: Fourier Analysis
Wade, Jeremy - Mathematics - 12/02/2009 - MATH 891: Research Problem
Noriega, Julio - Modern Languages & Literature - 11/14/2007 - MLL 750: Topics in Spanish
Bennett, James - Music - 09/14/2016 - MUSIC 713: Graduate Review Music Theory
Chybowski, Andrew - Music - 07/12/2017 - MUSIC 738: Advanced Instrumental Conducting
Chybowski, Andrew - Music - 11/08/2017 - MUSIC 738: Advanced Instrumental Conducting
Chybowski, Andrew - Music - 07/12/2017 - MUSIC 756: Wind Ensemble
Chybowski, Andrew - Music - 11/08/2017 - MUSIC 756: Wind Ensemble
Chybowski, Andrew - Music - 11/08/2017 - MUSIC 829: History of the Wind Band
Fukushima, Mary - Music - 02/16/2011 - MUSIC 728: Pedagogy/Literature
Fukushima, Mary - Music - 02/16/2011 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music: Flute
Fukushima, Mary - Music - 02/16/2011 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music
Fukushima, Mary - Music - 02/16/2011 - MUSIC 850: Applied Music: Flute
Fukushima, Mary - Music - 10/2011 - MUSIC 890: Thesis
Gerstenkor, Lisa - Music - 09/10/2014 - MUSIC 750: Applied Voice Lessons
Ibragimov, Sunnat - Music - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music (Cello)
Lupis, Giuseppe - Music - 02/13/2008 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music: Piano
Lupis, Giuseppe - Music - 10/10/2007 - MUSIC 777: Art of Accompanying
Lupis, Giuseppe - Music - 10/10/2007 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music, Piano
Lupis, Giuseppe - Music - 10/10/2007 - MUSIC 850: Applied Piano
Lupis, Giuseppe - Music - 02/13/2008 - MUSIC 890: Thesis
Mapp, Hyerim - Music - 11/12/2014 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music (Cello)
Mapp, Hyerim - Music - 11/11/2015 - MUSIC 750 16: Applied Music (Cello)
Mapp, Hyerim - Music - 11/12/2014 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music (Bass)
Mapp, Hyerim - Music - 11/11/2015 - MUSIC 750 17: Applied Music (Bass)
Webster, Christina - Music - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - MUSIC 750: Applied Music (Flute)
Webster, Christina - Music - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music
Webster, Christina - Music - 07/10/2014 - MUSIC 728: Pedagogy/Literature
Webster, Christina - Music - 07/10/2014 - MUSIC 750: Flute
Webster, Christina - Music - 09/10/2014 - MUSIC 778: Adv. Chamber-Woodwinds
Webster, Christina - Music - 11/11/2015 - MUSIC 778: Advanced Chamber Music (Winds)
Webster, Christina - Music - 07/10/2014 - MUSIC 850: Flute
Webster, Christina - Music - 07/10/2014 - MUSIC 890: Thesis
Alonzo, Amanda - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 911: Tools for Practice Scholarship
Alonzo, Amanda - Nursing - 02/11/2015 - NURS 850: Curriculum Development
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 760/761: Nursing Management Practicum
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 890/891: Research and Thesis Problem
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 865: Strategic Planning
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 866: Administration Practicum
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 833/834: Process Management in Acute Emergent Illness in the Gerontologic Client
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 838/839: Process Management in Chronic Illness in the Gerontologic Client Pract.
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 03/10/2004 - NURS 840/841: Management of Client/Fam Within the Health Care System
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 02/09/2005 - NURS 805: Special Investigations
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 02/09/2005 - NURS 850: Curriculum Development
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 02/09/2005 - NURS 854: Teaching Strategies
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 02/09/2005 - NURS 855: Teaching Strategies
Bitner, Linda - Nursing - 02/09/2005 - NURS 856: Education Practicum
Byler, Kimberly - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 817: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Byler, Kimberly - Nursing - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - NURS 856: Education Practicum
Byler, Kimberly - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 911: Tools for Practice Scholarship
Fischer, Deborah - Nursing - 02/10/2016 - NURS 856: Educational Practicum
Frisbee, Kristi - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 723: Client Family Health: Theory, Assessment and Promotion
Frisbee, Kristi - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 724: Client Family Health: Practicum
Frisbee, Kristi - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 809: Advanced Physiopathology
Frisbee, Kristi - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 890: Research and Thesis
Frisbee, Kristi - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 891: Research Problem
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 723: Client Family Health: Theory, Assessment and Promotion
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 724: Client Family Health: Practicum
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 12/05/2012 - NURS 805: Special Inv: Adv Medical Surgical Nursing
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 07/2012 - NURS 807: Primary Care Practicum I
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 813: Primary Care II Practicum
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 828: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors I
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 12/08/2010 - NURS 812: Primary Care II - Management of Complicated Health Problems
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 05/12/2012 - NURS 829: Nurse Practitioner II
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 04/13/2011 - NURS 890: Research and Thesis
Harris, Jennifer - Nursing - 04/13/2011 - NURS 891: Research Problem
Hart, Michelle - Nursing - 07/14/2010 - NURS 760: Nursing and the Health Care System
Hart, Michelle - Nursing - 07/14/2010 - NURS 761: Nursing and the Health Care System Practicum
Heter, Ashleigh - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 803: Advanced Health Assessment
Heter, Ashleigh - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 804: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum
Heter, Ashleigh - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 813: Primary Care II Practicum
Heter, Ashleigh - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 818: Applied Drug Therapy
Heter, Ashleigh - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 828: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 723: Client Family Health: Theory, Assessment and Promotion
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 724: Client Family Health: Practicum
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 11/12/2014 - NURS 805: Special Inv: Adv Medical Surgical Nursing
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 09/10/2014 - NURS 807: Primary Care Practicum I
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 09/11/2013 - NURS 809: Advanced Physiopathology
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 09/10/2014 - NURS 809: Advanced Physiopathology
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 11/12/2014 - NURS 813: Primary Care II Practicum
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 11/12/2014 - NURS 828: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors I
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 05/02/2012 - NURS 829: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors II
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 04/08/2015 - NURS 829: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors II
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 12/08/2010 - NURS 818: Advanced Pharmacology
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 04/13/2011 - NURS 890: Research and Thesis
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 04/13/2011 - NURS 891: Research Problem
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 06/10/2015 - NURS 892:: Research Methods in Nursing
Johnson, Karen - Nursing - 04/08/2015 - NURS 893: Nursing Research Seminar
Larery, Trina - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 803: Advanced Health Assessment
Larery, Trina - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 804: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum
Larery, Trina - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 813: Primary Care II Practicum
Larery, Trina - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 818: Applied Drug Therapy
Larery, Trina - Nursing - 12/07/2016 - NURS 828: Nurse Practitioner Preceptors
Riachi, Elie - Nursing - 07/13/2005 - NURS 890: Thesis Committee Member
Simon, Tamara - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 724: Client Family Health: Practicum
Simon, Tamara - Nursing - 10/13/2010 - NURS 813: Primary Care II Practicum
Simon, Tamara - Nursing - 12/08/2010 - NURS 804: Adv. Health Assessment Practicum
Simon, Tamara - Nursing - 12/08/2010 - NURS 805: Special Inv: Adv. Medical Surgical Nursing
Stahl, Tracy - Nursing - 19/SP - 12/04/2019 - NURS 803: Advanced Health Assessment
Stahl, Tracy - Nursing - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - NURS 804: Advanced Health Assessment
Stahl, Tracy - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 807: Primary Care I Practicum
Stahl, Tracy - Nursing - 19/WF - 12/04/2019 - NURS 807: Primary Care I
Tompkins Dobbs, Karen - Nursing - 05/01/2013 - NURS 724: Client Family Health: Theory, Assessment, Promotion, Practicum
Tompkins Dobbs, Karen - Nursing - 05/07/2014 - NURS 893: Nursing Research Seminar
Wachter, Mary Susan - Nursing - 07/11/2007 - NURS 854: Teaching Strategies Practicum
Wachter, Mary Susan - Nursing - 07/11/2007 - NURS 855: Teaching Strategies
Wachter, Mary Susan - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 890: Research and Thesis
Wachter, Mary Susan - Nursing - 04/14/2010 - NURS 891: Research Problem
Waddell, Jeffrey - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 803: Advanced Health Assessment
Waddell, Jeffrey - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 804: Advanced Health Assessment
Waddell, Jeffrey - Nursing - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - NURS 808: Translation to Doctoral Leadership
Jones, Jayne - Physics - 07/09/2008 - PHYS 741: Special Topics: Physical Science for Middle School - Lab
Pearson, David - Physics - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - PHYS 714: Statistical Thermodynamics
Pearson, David - Physics - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - PHYS 716: Intro. Quantum Mechanics
Pearson, David - Physics - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - PHYS 891: Research Problem
Scarborough, Kyla - Physics - 04/14/2010 - PHYS 741: Special Topics: Earth Science Lab for Middle School
Thomas, Robert - Physics - 02/14/2007 - PHYS 890: Research Thesis
Agderian, Roseanna - Psychology & Counseling - 12/02/2009 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Bard, Elizabeth - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 840: Bipolar Disorder and Reactive Attachment Disorders: Dual Diagnosis
Beattie Jr, Robert - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 840: BTK Killer
Bedford, Kevin - Psychology & Counseling - 01/01/2006 - PSYCH 814: Theories and Techniques
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigations
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigations
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - PSYCH 808: Child Personality Assessment
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - PSYCH 809: Personality Assessment
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - PSYCH 811: Psychopathology
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - PSYCH 819: Techniques of Counseling and Psychopathology
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - PSYCH 833: Evidence-Based Interactions: Children
Bradley, David - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - PSYCH 839: Group Interventions
Caldwell, Heather - Psychology & Counseling - 12/06/2017 - PSYCH 705: Human Service Skills
Chalmers, Lori - Psychology & Counseling - 04/13/2011 - PSYCH 845: Supervised Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy
Colley, Nancy - Psychology & Counseling - 02/09/2005 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Colvin, Michelle - Psychology & Counseling - 09/15/2017 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Combs, Linda Muffoletto - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SU - 04/10/2019 - PSYCH 720: Multicultural Issues in Psychology and Counseling
Dalecki, Linden - Psychology & Counseling - 07/08/2009 - PSYCH 890: Research and Thesis
Downing, Lynette - Psychology & Counseling - 12/05/2012 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology
DuBois, Terresia - Psychology & Counseling - 06/11/2008 - PSYCH 740: Community Disaster Response: Red Cross Certification for Mental Health Professionals
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 740: Love and Logic
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 04/13/2016 - PSYCH 740: Child Trauma Care
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 749: Crisis Management and Treatment
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 05/07/2014 - PSYCH 749: Crisis Management and Treatment
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 06/12/2013 - PSYCH 840: Child Welfare Training Trauma
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 05/07/2014 - PSYCH 840: Mental Health First Aid for Youth
Fielding, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 04/12/2017 - PSYCH 840: SEM: Trauma Informed Schools
Forman, April - Psychology & Counseling - 07/09/2008 - PSYCH 840: Helping Mean Girls Make Nice: Identifying, Preventing and Interventions in Girl Bullying
Garcia, Lisa - Psychology & Counseling - 11/10/2010 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Haltom, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 09/10/2008 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Heiskell, Kelly - Psychology & Counseling - 05/06/2009 - PSYCH 740: Topics: Prenatal, Neonatal, Early Childhood
Heiskell, Kelly - Psychology & Counseling - 05/06/2009 - PSYCH 740: Topics: Midchild Adolescence
Heiskell, Kelly - Psychology & Counseling - 05/06/2009 - PSYCH 740: Topics: Adulthood and Aging
Heiskell, Kelly - Psychology & Counseling - 04/13/2011 - PSYCH 759: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Heiskell, Kelly - Psychology & Counseling - 02/13/2013 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Hennigh, Tami - Psychology & Counseling - 09/10/2014 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Hunt, Bradley - Psychology & Counseling - 11/12/2008 - PSYCH 822: Practicum in Counseling
Hunt, Bradley - Psychology & Counseling - 11/12/2008 - PSYCH 895: Internship
Hunt, Bradley - Psychology & Counseling - 11/12/2008 - PSYCH 912: Advanced Counseling Problem
Hunt, Bradley - Psychology & Counseling - 11/12/2008 - PSYCH 995: Internship
Hunt, Bradley - Psychology & Counseling - 04/13/2011 - PSYCH 759: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 06/14/2017 - PSYCH 745: Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigation
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 816: Group Dynamics
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 06/14/2017 - PSYCH 818: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 822: Practicum in School Counseling
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 894: Internship in School Counseling
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 994: Adv. Internship in School Counseling
Karayigit, Cebrail - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - PSYCH 859: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Kathurima, Belinda - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - 10/09/2019 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Kilmartin, Christopher - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 840: Masculinity as a Cultural Variable in Psychotherapy
King, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 11/09/2011 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology
Klotzbach, Barbara - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 783: Legal Issues in Student Support Services
Larsen, Kimberley - Psychology & Counseling - 06/11/2008 - PSYCH 740: Counseling Children and Adolescents: Directive and Non Directive Approaches
Lasater, Kara - Psychology & Counseling - 09/12/2012 - PSYCH 845: Practice in Family Counseling
Lee, Margaret Ann - Psychology & Counseling - 01/01/2006 - PSYCH 748: Career Development
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigation
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 781: Psychology of Exceptional Children
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SU - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 783: Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychology and Related Fields
Lloyd, Linda - Psychology & Counseling - 01/01/2006 - PSYCH 741: Behavior Modification
Lloyd, Linda - Psychology & Counseling - 09/14/2005 - PSYCH 835: Assessment of Early Childhood Handicapped
Lloyd, Linda - Psychology & Counseling - 09/14/2005 - PSYCH 837: Interventions with Early Childhood Handicapped
Lohff, Tom - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 701: Ethics in Human Counseling
Lohff, Tom - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 727: Pharmacology and Substance Abuse
Lohff, Tom - Psychology & Counseling - 06/13/2007 - PSYCH 711: Addictions I
Lohff, Tom - Psychology & Counseling - 06/13/2007 - PSYCH 712: Medical Risk Issues
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 859: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Lloyd, Jason - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SU - 05/01/2019 - PSYCH 901: Contemporary Problems in School Psychology
Loveland, West - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SU - PSYCH 859: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Loveland, West - Psychology & Counseling - 19/WF - PSYCH 736: Psychology of Family Development
Maag, John - Psychology & Counseling - 06/11/2007 - PSYCH 840: You Can't Make Me! Approaches and Techniques for Managing Resistance
Mayhew, Stephen - Psychology & Counseling - 09/12/2012 - PSYCH 840: Biomedical Issues in Psychotherapy
McElwee, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 70/12/2006 - PSYCH 740: Prenatal, Neonatal, Early Childhood
McElwee, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 07/12/2006 - PSYCH 740: Midchild & Adolescence
McElwee, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 07/12/2006 - PSYCH 740: Adulthood & Aging
McElwee, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 759: Advanced Developmental Psychology
McElwee, Virginia - Psychology & Counseling - 04/14/2010 - PSYCH 759: Psychology of Mental Health
McGuire, Petra - Psychology & Counseling - 07/12/2017 - PSYCH 832: Evidence Based Interventions: Adults
McGuire, Petra - Psychology & Counseling - 11/08/2017 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology
Metcalf, Linda - Psychology & Counseling - 07/14/2010 - PSYCH 840: Seminar: Counseling Toward Solutions
Miller, Megan - Psychology & Counseling - PSYCH 745: Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Murphy, John - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 840: Doing What Works: Practical Strategies in Solution
Nix, Tracey - Psychology & Counseling - 18/WF - 06/13/2018 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Paez, Doris - Psychology & Counseling - 06/13/2007 - PSYCH 840: The Other Competency: Cross-Cultural Competence in Social Service Delivery
Perez, Christine - Psychology & Counseling - 05/09/2007 - PSYCH 740: Discovering Strengths in Selves
Perez, Christine - Psychology & Counseling - 07/10/2014 - PSYCH 859: Advanced Developmental Psychology
Perry, Darrick - Psychology & Counseling - 04/10/2013 - PSYCH 741: Behavior Modification
Perry, Darrick - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 741: Behavior Modification
Perry, Joseph - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 840: Bipolar Disorder and Reactive Attachment Disorders: Dual Diagnosis
Pierson, Rita - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 840: A Framework for Understanding Children of Poverty
Peterson, Reece - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 840: Masculinity as a Culture Variable in Psychotherapy
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 06/01/2006 - PSYCH 840: Self-Mutilation, Suicide, Youth Violence
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 06/09/2004 - PSYCH 840: Seminar
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 840: Crisis Intervention and Cutters
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 06/11/2008 - PSYCH 840 Critical Issues in Schools & Communities: Self-Injury, Suicide, Youth Violence & Managing Emotionally
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 07/14/2010 - PSYCH 840: Self Injury/Self Mutilation
Poland, A. Scott - Psychology & Counseling - 05/09/2007 - PSYCH 840: Managing Emotionality: Critical Issues for Schools and Communities
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 02/16/2011 - PSYCH 783: Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychology
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 02/16/2011 - PSYCH 835: Assess/Intervention with Early Childhood Disabilities
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 09/14/2011 - PSYCH 870: Practicum in School Psychology
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 04/10/2013 - PSYCH 990: Special Research Project
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 09/14/2011 - PSYCH 970: Advanced Practicum in School Psychology
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 990: Special Research Project
Potter, Deborah - Psychology & Counseling - 09/14/2011 - PSYCH 995: Internship: School Psychology
Potter, Tysha - Psychology & Counseling - 06/11/2008 - PSYCH 740: The Complexity of Autism
Potter, Tysha - Psychology & Counseling - 11/12/2008 - PSYCH 806: Special Investigations
Potter, Tysha - Psychology & Counseling - 05/05/2010 - PSYCH 840: Autism: What You Need to Know
Potter, Tysha - Psychology & Counseling - 02/13/2013 - PSYCH 881: Orientation to College Teaching
Powers, Anna - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2005 - PSYCH 720: Multicultural Issues in Psych and Counseling
Ready, Dawn - Psychology & Counseling - 09/11/2013 - PSYCH 845: Practice in Family Counseling
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 06/12/2013 - PSYCH 819: Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 819: Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 06/12/2013 - PSYCH 822: Practicum: Clinical mental Health Counseling
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 822: Practicum: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 09/10/2014 - PSYCH 845: Practice in Family Counseling
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 09/10/2014 - PSYCH 859: Advanced Development Psychology
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 06/12/2013 - PSYCH 895: Internship: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Robbins, Gina - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 895: Internship: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Rose, Duncan - Psychology & Counseling - 06/2012 - PSYCH 774: Family and Addictions
Schoenecker, Eric - Psychology & Counseling - 06/09/2004 - PSYCH 740: Topics
Smith, Marian - Psychology & Counseling - 07/2016 - PSYCH 811: Psychopathology and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders
Stockard, Elizabeth - Psychology & Counseling - 02/14/2007 - PSYCH 810: Advanced Educational Psychology
Swopes, Rachael - Psychology & Counseling - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - PSYCH 860: Clinical Psychology
Tener, Mick - Psychology & Counseling - 04/09/2014 - PSYCH 740: Psychology and the Military
Utter, Kathryn SueBeth - Psychology & Counseling - 06/12/2013 - PSYCH 740: Attitude of Gratitude
Utter, Kathryn SueBeth - Psychology & Counseling - 05/07/2014 - PSYCH 740: Coping with Adversity and Fostering Resilience
Utter, Kathryn SueBeth - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 740: The Culture of Social Aggression and Bullying
Utter, Kathryn SueBeth - Psychology & Counseling - 06/2012 - PSYCH 741: Banishing Bullies Bootcamp
Van Hoy, Judy - Psychology & Counseling - 04/14/2010 - PSYCH 711: Addictions I
Van Hoy, Judy - Psychology & Counseling - 04/14/2010 - PSYCH 727: Pharmacology and Substance Abuse
Van Hoy, Judy - Psychology & Counseling- 04/13/2011 - PSYCH 712: Medical Risk Issues
Van Hoy, Judy - Psychology & Counseling - 04/14/2010 - PSYCH 805: Psychoeducational Assessment
Vaughn, Jennifer - Psychology & Counseling - 03/14/2012 - PSYCH 805: Psychoeducational Assessment
Vaughn, Jennifer - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 805: Psychoeducational Assessment
Vaughn, Jennifer - Psychology & Counseling - 04/10/2013 - PSYCH 837: Assessment and Intervention with Early Childhood Disabilities
Vaughn, Jennifer - Psychology & Counseling - 04/08/2015 - PSYCH 837: Assessment and Intervention with Early Childhood Disabilities
Ward, David Lawrence - Psychology & Counseling - 06/14/2017 - PSYCH 745: Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Ward, David Lawrence - Psychology & Counseling - 09/15/2017 - PSYCH 781: Psychology of Exceptional Children
Webster, Blake - Psychology & Counseling - 09/10/2014 - PSYCH 832: Evidence-based Interventions: Adults
Wolfe, Jeremy - Psychology & Counseling - 06/09/2004 - PSYCH 701, 702, 712
Wilkinson, N. Iris - Psychology & Counseling - 05/07/2014 - PSYCH 727: Pharmacology and Substance Abuse Services
Wilkinson, N. Iris - Psychology & Counseling - 06/08/2016 - PSYCH 727: Pharmacology and Substance Abuse
Abbott, Angela - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - CURIN 741: Standards of Excellence in Reading
Allen, Kelli - Teaching and Leadership - 06/13/2007 - CURIN 741: Individualized Instruction with Technology Integration
Andrews-Brumfield, Belinda - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 849: Partnerships w/ Families of Exceptional Children and Youth
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2015 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology : Digital
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 732: Topics in Ed. Tech.: Communicate Art Technology
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/12/2017 - EDTH 732: Topics in Digital Pins/Processing
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/12/2017 - EDTH 732: Topics in Assessing Tools and Strategies
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 09/15/2017 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology: Cooperative Learning Hyperdocs
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/12/2017 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Auspurger, Bobbie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Barr, Kristel - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Barr, Kristel - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Barr, Kristel - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Bary, Marcia - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2012 - SPED 750: Assessment in Special Education
Bary, Marcia - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Bary, Marcia - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - CURIN 891: Methods of Research
Batebenner, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - CURIN 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Bater Jr., Tyrone - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SP - 12/06/2017 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Bates, Tyrone - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Bedene, Rebecca - Teaching and Leadership - 07/13/2005 - SSLS 849: Partnerships w/ Families of Exceptional Children
Benefield, Gary - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2009 - SSLS 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Benigno, Stephen - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - CURIN 825: The Professional Semester: Initial Experience
Benigno, Stephen - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - CURIN 849: The Professional Semester: Culminating Experience
Benigno, Stephen - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - CURIN 850: Current Teaching Practices
Benigno, Stephen - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2007 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Bigby, Terry - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 09/12/2018 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher Initial Experience
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 02/14/2018 - TCHL 850: Current Teaching Practices
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 02/10/2016 - LDSP 859: Change Process and Professional Development
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - LDSP 888: Foundations of Education
Biermann, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Blackford, Michael - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - READ 870: Developmental Reading
Borders, Christina - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High Incidence Learning Needs
Boyd, Laurie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - CURIN 836: Positive Classroom Management
Boyd, Laurie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - CURIN 840: Positive Classroom Management
Boyd, Laurie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - CURIN 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Boyd, Laurie - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2015 - EDTH 731: Digital Portfolio
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 02/14/2007 - SSLS 732: Topics: Internet Safety Ethics
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 02/14/2007 - SSLS 732: Topics: Digital Story Telling
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - SSLS 732: Educational Blogging
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - SSLS 732: Web Quest
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - SSLS 732: Web 2.0
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 732: Topics: Integrating Technology into Education
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2011 - SSLS 732: Topics in Ed Tech: Google Tools
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2011 - SSLS 732: Topics in Ed Tech: Online Creativity
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 732: Topics in Ed. Technology: Ethical Use of Information
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/01/2013 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/01/2006 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 02/14/2007 - SSLS 737: Topics in Educational Technology
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - EDTH 737: Cataloging and Classification
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - EDTH 825: Administration of Instructional Systems
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Development
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/01/2013 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Brown, Delaina - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - EDTH 868: Education Technology Applications
Brown, Destry - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - LDSP 903: Educational Systems Leadership III
Brown-Cecora, Kathleen - Teaching and Leadership - 05/05/2004 - CURIN 741: Topics in Music/Lit/Physical Education
Bruington, Julie - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2012 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Bruington, Julie - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - SPED 822: Seminar in Special Education Law
Cannell, Timothy - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2010 - CURIN 840: Innovative Teaching
Carter, Bruce - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 835: Elementary Middle School Curriculum
Cegelis, Lindsey - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - CURIN 825: The Professional Semester: Initial Experience
Cegelis, Lindsey - Teaching and Leadership - 11/11/2009 - CURIN 849: The Professional Semester Teacher - The Culminating Experience
Clay, Patty - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - CURIN 825: The Professional Semester Teacher - Initial Experience
Clay, Patty - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - CURIN 849: The Professional Semester Teacher - The Culminating Experience
Clemensen, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 910: Readings in Education
Clemensen, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 990: Special Research Project
Clemensen, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 06/12/2019 - LDSP 800: Intro to Educational Leadership
Colley, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2005 - SSLS 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Collins, Barbara - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2005 - CURIN 720: Advanced Middle & Secondary Reading
Collins, Barbara - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - CURIN 843: Trends and Issues
Collins, Barbara - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2005 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Colvin, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 05/03/2017 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Cooper, Kevin - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - LDSP 847: 847: The Principalship
Correll, Craig - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 09/12/2018 - TCHL 930: Seminar in Research Skills
Correll, Craig A - Teaching and Leadership - 04/12/2004 - SSLS 732: Tech in the Classroom
Correll, Craig A - Teaching and Leadership - 11/13/2013 - TCHL 741: iPads & Apps in the Classroom
Cottrell, Bernice - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - CURIN 843: Trends and Issues
Couch, Vicki - Teaching and Leadership - 07/12/2006 - SSLS 761: Practicum/Adaptive Learning Needs
Couch, Vicki - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2004 - SSLS 779: Teaching Elementary Student w/ Adaptive Learning Needs
Cutler, Jennifer - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2004 - SSLS 734: Infrastructure Networking
Daczewitz, Marcus - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Daczewitz, Marcus - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 745: Behavioral Analysis and Management
Daczewitz, Marcus - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 852: Characteristics of Students with Functional Learning Needs
Davis, Trinity - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - CURIN 741: Seminar: Fabulous Five Components of Reading
Davis, Trinity - Teaching and Leadership - 10/13/2004 - CURIN 834: Advanced Childrens and Young Adult Literature
Davis, Trinity - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2005 - CURIN 840: Seminar in Literacy
Davis, Trinity - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2004 - CURIN 848: Advanced Language Arts
Davis, Trinity - Teaching and Leadership - 10/13/2004 - CURIN 870: Developmental Reading Instruction
Dean, Harvey - Teaching and Leadership - 06/09/2004 - CURIN 840: Teaching Through Self-Directed Study
Dellasega, Susan - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology
Dellasega, Susan - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Dellasega, Susan - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology
Dennis, Karla - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - SSLS 821: Teaching Students with ASD: Strategies for Building Social Relationships
Derfelt, Bernard - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Dexter, Robin - Teaching and Leadership - 03/12/2008 - SSLS 834: Curriculum Development
Dexter, Robin - Teaching and Leadership - 03/12/2008 - SSLS 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Dexter, Robin - Teaching and Leadership - 03/12/2008 - SSLS 863: Supervision and Instruction
Dexter, Rose - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2007 - CURIN 741: Tools for Practicing Teachers
Dexter, Rose - Teaching and Leadership - 09/10/2008 - CURIN 741: Curriculum Mapping
Dockers, Jean - Teaching and Leadership - 03/14/2012 - CURIN 840: Early Career Academy Yr. 1
Doelling, Jane - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 09/12/2018 - SPED 833: Leadership and Collaboration
Doelling, Jane - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - SPED 852: Characteristics of Students with Low Incidence Learning Needs
Doelling, Jane - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - SPED 861: The Professional Special Education
Douglas, Rebecca - Teaching and Leadership - 03/10/2004 - SSLS 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Drake, Mark - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 06/12/2019 - LDSP 801 Educational Leadership Theory
Drake, Mark - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - LDSP 801: Educational Leadership II
Dudek-Brannon, Karen - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - SPED 821: Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Building Relationships
Dudek-Brannon, Karen - Teaching and Leadership - 02/10/2016 - SPED 829: Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Issues Transitions
Dudek-Brannon, Karen - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - SPED 860: Practicum Low Incidence Learning Needs
Edgecomb, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2011 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval
Edgecomb, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 825: Administration of Instructional Systems
Edgecomb, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2011 - SSLS 838: Education Technology Curriculum
Edwards, Verneda - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2008 - SSLS 834: Curriculum Development
Edwards, Verneda - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - SSLS 835: Elementary School Curriculum
Edwards, Verneda - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Ewan, Gail - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - CURIN 870: Developmental Reading Instruction
Falling, Teresa J. - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2008 - SSLS 734: Infrastructure Networking
Fincher, Bridgette - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2016 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Finley, Stacie - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 831: Literacy for Primary Grades
Finley, Stacie - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - TCHL 844: Literacy/Social Studeis for Intermediate Grades
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 10/12/2005 - SSLS 510: Overview of Education for Exceptional Children
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2003 - SSLS 741: Seminar
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 10/12/2005 - SSLS 745: Classroom Management Techniques
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 10/12/2005 - SSLS 761: Practicum/Adaptive Learning Needs
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 03/16/2005 - SSLS 906: Special Investigations
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 806: Special Investigations: Special Education Interventions
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - SSLS 738: Char of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - SSLS 741: Topics in Special Education: Adaptive Learning Needs
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 761: Practicum/Adaptive Learning Needs
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2008 - SSLS 780: Teaching Secondary Students w/ Adaptive Learning Needs
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2010 - SSLS 806: Special Investigations: Methods of Research
Flynn, Gloria - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - SSLS 852: Characteristics of Students with Functional Learning Needs
Foster, Nicole - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2012 - TCHL 854: Adv. Methods and Materials for ELL
Gibson, Cory - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2009 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Gibson, Cory - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2009 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Gilespie, Sean - Teaching and Leadership - 03/11/2009 - SSLS 732: Topics: Video Production
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - LDSP 835: Elementary and Middle School Curriculum
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - LDSP 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - LDSP 863: Supervision of Instruction
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 10/2011 - SSLS 893: Practicum in Educational Leadership I Building Adm.
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - LDSP 894: Practicum in Educational Technology
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - LDSP 888: Foundations of Education
Goostree, Renee Close - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - LDSP 888: Foundations of Education
Graham, Christy - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - SPED 735: Characteristics of Students with High Incidence Learning Needs
Graham, Christy - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - SPED 780: Teaching Secondary Students High Incidence
Graham, Christy - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - LDSP 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Grant, SuAnn - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - CURIN 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Grant, SuAnn - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2009 - CURIN 840: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Grasso, Denise - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2004 - SSLS 903: Educational Leadership Systems III
Grasso, Denise - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Grasso, Denise - Teaching and Leadership - 09/10/2008 - SSLS 825: Administration & Instructional Systems
Grasso, Denise - Teaching and Leadership - 02/01/2011 - SSLS 814: Technology Integration Specialist
Green, Melissa - Teaching and Leadership - 10/08/2008 - SSLS 741: Topics: Jazz Up Your Classroom
Green, Melissa - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2009 - SSLS 741: Topics: Using Tech Resources to Integrate Curriculum
Greer, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with High Incidence Needs
Greer, Diana - Teaching and Leadership - 03/11/2009 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Grotheer, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 02/16/2011 - SSLS 818: Trends and Issues in Educational Technology
Haltom, Deborah - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - SSLS 750: Assessment in Special Education
Haltom, Deborah - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2009 - SSLS 855: Admin and Supervision of Special Ed
Haltom, Deborah - Teaching and Leadership - 02/16/2011 - SSLS 861: The Professional Special Educator
Harrison, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Harrison, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - TCHL 879: Instructional Leadership
Hart, Terri - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Hart, Terri - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Hattabaugh, Jim - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership I
Hattabaugh, Jim - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2016 - LDSP 809: Legal Foundation of Public Education
Hattabaugh, Jim - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - LDSP 893: Practicum in Educational Leadership I Building Administration
Hattabaugh, Jim - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - LDSP 894: Practicum in Educational Leadership II Building Administration
Herman, Miki - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2004 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Hernandez, Rachell - Teaching and Leadership - 02/12/2014 - TCHL 741: Kansas Children's Service League Workshops
Hickey, Linda - Teaching and Leadership - 12/07/2011 - SSLS 780: Teaching Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Hubbard, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - LDSP 835: Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
Hubbard, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 870: Grant Writing
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - LDSP 835: Elementary and Middle School Curriculum
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - LDSP 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - LDSP 854: Organizational Theory & Planning
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - LDSP 854: Organizational Theory and Planning
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - LDSP 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - LDSP 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2014 - TCHL 870: Grant Writing/External Research
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 04/05/2015 - TCHL 870: Grant Writing
Hubbard, Michelle Sedler - Teaching and Leadership - 03/11/2009 - TCHL 890: Research and Thesis (Committee only)
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - EDTH 731: Digital Portfolio
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 732: Topics: Born Digital
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2011 - SSLS 732: Topics in Ed Tech: Tech Conference PSU 2011
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - EDTH 732: Digital Portfolio
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - EDTH 732: Gaming and Gamification in Education
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSPS 733: Professional Development
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2012 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2016 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2011 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - EDTH 735: Informational Retrieval and Transfer
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 735: Informational Retrieval and Transfer
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - EDTH 737: Cataloging and Classification
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 741: Topics in Ed Tech: Gaming in Education
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 805: Design and Productions of Instructional Materials
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - EDTH 805: Design and Productions of Industrial Materials
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 806: Special Investigations: Trends in Educational Technology
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 11/13/2013 - EDTH 818: Trends and Issues in Educational Technology
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - EDTH 819: Practicum in Educational Technology
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 820: Employment Practicum in Educational Technology
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2007 - SSLS 825: Administration of Instructional Systems
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2016 - EDTH 825: Administration of Instruction
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 834: Curriculum Development
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - READ 834: Advanced Children's/Young Adult Literature
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Hudiburg, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 10/08/2014 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Hurrelbrink, Jeanette - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - SPED 750: Assessment in Special Education
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - SPED 761: Practicum I: High Incidence
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - SPED 779: Teaching Elementary Students High Incidence Learning Needs
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - SPED 860: Practicum: Low Incidence Learning Needs
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - SPED 861: The Professional Special Educator
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 09/12/2018 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - SPED 750: Assessment in Special Education
Jesteadt, Lindsay - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - SPED 860: Practicum Low Incidence Learning Needs
Johnson, Kandace - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Johnson, Kandace - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Jones, Jared - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - EDTH 731: Digital Portfolio
Judd, Susie - Teaching and Leadership - 02/13/2008 - CURIN 834: Advanced Children's and Young Adult Literature
Kesterson, Janine - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Intro to Verbal Behavior, Coaching and Social Competencies: TASN 2018
Kesterson, Janine - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Assessment and Behavior Analytic Instructional Strategies: TASN 2018
Kesterson, Janine - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Step Capstone
Kesterson, Janine - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - SPED 745: Behavior Analysis and Management
Kitchen, Melinda - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - CURIN 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Kitchen, Melinda - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - CURIN 853: Advanced Assessment for English Language Learners
Knaup, Kayce - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - SPED 849: Partnerships with Families with Exceptional Children and Youth
Kokoruda, Russell - Teaching and Leadership - 01/01/2006 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Kreiker, Kimberly - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods and Materials for ELL
Laflen, Betty Jo - Teaching and Leadership - 06/13/2007 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Lankford, Dee - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - SSLS 732: Topics in Ed Tech: Smart Tech Classroom
Lankford, Dee - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - SSLS 732: Topics in Ed Tech: Office 2007 Applications
Lawrence, Peggy - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 821: Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Building Relationships
Long, Chrystal Patrick - Teaching and Leadership -12/07/2011 - SSLS 780: Teaching Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Long, Chrystal Patrick - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - SPED 780: Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Long, Patricia - Teaching and Leadership - 6/10/2009 - SSLS 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Long, Patricia - Teaching and Leadership - 03/11/2009 - SSLS 744: Special Education Technology
Love, Karen - Teaching and Leadership - 02/16/2011 - SSLS 779: Teaching Elem Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Mann, Lisa - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - SSLS 821: Teaching Students with ASD: Strategies for Building Social Relationships
Markland, Maureen - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - SSLS 779: Teaching Elementary Students w/ Adaptive Learning Needs
Markland, Maureen - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2008 - SSLS 780: Teaching Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Markland, Maureen - Teaching and Leadership - 05/09/2007 - SSLS 583: Teaching Students with Functional Learning Needs
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 11/14/2018 - LDSP 863: Supervision of Instruction
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership I
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership I
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - LDSP 809: Legal Foundation
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - LDSP 893: Practicum in Education Leadership I
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - LDSP 902: Educational Systems
Martin, Dawn - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - TCHL 741: Sem: Greenbush
Martin, Joe - Teaching and Leadership - 03/10/2004 - SSLS 741: Seminar
Martin, Joe - Teaching and Leadership - 02/09/2005 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - SSLS 809: Legal Foundations of Education
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 09/10/2008 - CURIN 825: The Professional Semester: Initial Experience
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 09/10/2008 - CURIN 836: Positive Classroom Management
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 840: Techniques for the Teaching Secondary
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 11/11/2009 - CURIN 843: Trends and Issues
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 11/11/2009 - CURIN 849: The Professional Semester Teacher - The Culminating Experience
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 850: Current Teaching Practices
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Martinie, Lowell - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2008 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - EDTH 731: Digital Portfolio
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - EDTH 732: Topics: Implementing Common Core Standards
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 732: Topics: PSU Tech in the Classroom Conference 2013
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 732: Topics: Creating Innovators
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 11/13/2013 - EDTH 732: Topics: A Framework for Understanding Poverty
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology Conference
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 06/2011 - SSLS 817: Technology Integration Specialist
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - EDTH 817: Technology Integration Specialist
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - EDTH 818: Trends and Issues in Education Technology
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 818: Trends and Issues
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 12/04/2013 - EDTH 819: Practicum in Educational Technology
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 819: Practicum in Educational Technology
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 05/01/2013 - EDTH 825: Administration of Instructional Systems
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/13/2016 - EDTH 825: Administration of Instruction
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Development
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - EDTH 838: Educational Technology Curriculum
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 02/04/2013 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Mascher, Elizabeth - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
May, Dale - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - CURIN 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
McCambridge, Emily - Teaching and Leadership - 06/12/2013 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
McCambridge, Emily - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Mersch, Ronald - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Meyer, Joe - Teaching and Leadership - 03/10/2004 - SSLS 853: Teaching Students with Functional Learning Needs
Miguel, Alicia - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Miguel, Alicia - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 06/12/2019 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Miguel, Alicia - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - TCHL 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Miguel, Alicia - Teaching and Leadership - 05/03/2017 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Miguel, Alicia - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2016 - EDTH 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Mikijanis, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/205 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Mikulka, Debra - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - SSLS 741: Seminar: Using Teaming Skill Secondary
Moore, Bert - Teaching and Leadership - 07/09/2008 - SSLS 855: Administration and Supervision of Special Education
Moore, Bert - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - SSLS 894: Practicum in Educational Leadership
Mortenson, Dustin - Teaching and Leadership - 07/08/2009 - CURIN 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Morton, Robert - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - LSDP 800: Educational Leadership I
Neil, Margaret - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2004 - SSLS 849: Partnerships w/ Families of Exceptional Children
Neil, Margaret - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2010 - SSLS 745: Classroom Management Techniques
Neil, Margaret - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2010 - SSLS 780: Teaching Secondary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Neil, Robyn - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - CURIN 870: Development Reading Instruction
Neuenswander, Craig - Teaching and Leadership - 09/10/2008 - SSLS 809: Legal Foundations
Neuenswander, Craig - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - SSLS 894: Practicum in Educational Leadership
Nix, Tracey - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Nix, Tracey - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Nix, Tracey - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 06/13/2018 - EDTH 868: Educational Technology Applications
Nix, Tracey - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Nix, Tracey - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning
Oplotnik-Martin, Donna - Teaching and Leadership - 05/05/2004 - CURIN 741: Topics in Music/Lit/Physical Education
Ortiz-Ramirez, V. Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 07/10/2014 - SPED 745: Behavior Analysis
Page, Michelle - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology: Google Tools
Parsons, Stephen - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Paul-Newby, Maritza - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 07/11/2018 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher: Initial Teaching Experience
Paul-Newby, Maritza - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - TCHL 849: Professional Semester Teacher: Culminating Experience
Paul-Newby, Maritza - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - TCHL 825: Professional Semester: Initial Teaching Experience
Paul-Newby, Maritza - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2016 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Pearson, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership -12/04/2013 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher - Initial Experience
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester Teacher Initial Experience
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 836: Positive Classroom Management
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 11/13/2013 - TCHL 843: Trends and Issues
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - TCHL 849: The Professional Semester Teacher - The Culminating Experience
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - CURIN 850: Current Teaching Practices
Petz, Thomas - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - TCHL 878: Assessment for Effective Experience
Poggio, Andrew - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - SSLS 863: Supervision of Instruction
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - LDSP 847: The Principalship
Potts, Brett - Teaching and Leadership - 12/07/2011 - CURIN 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Powers, Jeri - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - CURIN 870: Development Reading Instruction
Price, Gary - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2004 - SSLS 779: Teaching Elementary Students w/ Adaptive Learning Needs
Price, Gary - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 903: Educational Systems
Pruter, Daryl - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2007 - CURIN 741: Teacher Expectation and Student Achievement Program (TESA)
Puderbaugh, Kellie A. - Teaching and Leadership - 03/13/2013 - TCHL 741: USD 446 K-12 Curriculum Workshop
Puderbaugh, Kellie A. - Teaching and Leadership - 02/11/2015 - TCHL 741: USD 446: Courageous Conversations About Race
Ragsdage, Scott - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 09/12/2018 - LDPS 801: Educational Leadership
Ragsdale, Scott - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - LDSP 835: Elementary and Middle School Curriculum
Ragsdale, Scott - Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - LDSP 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Rampy, Tracy - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 04/10/2019 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology
Rampy, Tracy - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Randle, Monica - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2010 - CURIN 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Randle, Monica - Teaching and Leadership - 07/08/2009 - CURIN 873: Trends and Issues
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 800: Educational Leadership I
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 863: Supervision of Instruction
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 901: Educational Systems Leadership I
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 902: Educational Systems Leadership II
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 903: Educational Systems Leadership III
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - SSLS 997: Practicum in Educational Systems Leadership I
Reed, Gary Wayne - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS998: Practicum in Educational Systems Leadership II
Reed, Karla - Teaching and Leadership - 02/10/2010 - CURIN 720: Content Lit for Middle and Secondary Teachers
Rink, Melissa - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - CURIN 855: Advanced Practicum for ESOL
Robert, Alan - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning Delivery
Roberts-Higgins, Brooke - Teaching and Leadership - 05/05/2004 - SSLS 732: Topics in Educational Technology
Rohner, Linda - Teaching and Leadership - 05/05/2004 - CURIN 720: Advanced Middle and Secondary Reading
Sachetta, Kerry - Teaching and Leadership - 07/09/2008 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Sachetta, Kerry - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2007 - SSLS 863: Supervision of Instruction
Sachetta, Kerry - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Satterfield, Cindy - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 871: Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties
Schepker, Kristen - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 854: Adv. Methods and Materials for ELL
Seaman, Marcy - Teaching and Leadership - 06/12/2013 - SPED 833: Leadership and Collaboration in Special Education
Seaman, Marcy - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2015 - SPED 833: Leadership and Collaboration in Special Education
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 11/14/2007 - CURIN 720: Content Lit for Middle School Teachers
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2007 - CURIN 825: The Professional Teacher: Initial Experience
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 836: Positive Classroom Management
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - CURIN 837: Positive Classroom Instruction
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2007 - CURIN 849: The Professional Teacher: Culminating Experience
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2007 - CURIN 870: Developmental Reading Instruction
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 870: Development Reading Instruction
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - CURIN 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 06/12/2013 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Sells, Pamela - Teaching and Leadership - 11/11/2009 - CURIN 891: Methods of Research
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - LDSP 801: Educational Leadership II
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Development
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 12/04/2011 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2015 - LDSP 847: The Principalship
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - LDSP 893: Practicum in Educational Leadership I Building Adm.
Shelley, Larry - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 894: Practicum in Ed Leadership
Sims, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - SPED 849: Partnerships with Families with Exceptionalities
Sims, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2015 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Smith, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - LDSP 800: Educational Leadership
Smith, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 09/08/2010 - SSLS 809: Legal Foundations
Smith, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Smith, Brian - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - TCHL 930: Seminar in Research Skills
Smith, Cindy - Teaching and Leadership - 09/12/2012 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Spillman, Kathleen - Teaching and Leadership - 05/02/2012 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Mathematical Investigation
Stahl, Becky - Teaching and Leadership - 06/05/2005 - CURIN 860: Foundations/EC Educators
Stahl, Becky - Teaching and Leadership - 06/13/2007 - CURIN 864: Early Childhood Program Management
Stanberry, Marlin - Teaching and Leadership - 12/10/2008 - SSLS 894: Practicum in Educational Leadership
Stengel, Jeanette - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2008 - CURIN 840: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Stengel, Jeanette - Teaching and Leadership - 04/08/2009 - CURIN 840: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Stengel, Jeanette - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2009 - CURIN 849: The Professional Semester Teacher - The Culminating Experience
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Stds with High Incidence
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - SPED 821: Teach Stds with ASD
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - TCHL 834: Curriculum Dev
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - EDTH 732: Topics: Online Reading Collaboration
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - EDTH 732: Topics: Next Generation Student Support
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - EDTH 732: Creating Innovators
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 12/04/2013 - EDTH 732: Designing Learning
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 07/09/2014 - EDTH 817: Technology Integration Specialist
Stevens, Sarah - Teaching and Leadership - 09/11/2013 - TCHL 834: Technology Integration Specialist
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - EDTH 735: Informational Retrieval and Transfer
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - SPED 761: Practicum: High Incidence Learning Needs
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 11/08/2017 - SPED 780: Teaching Secondary High Incidence Needs
Stewart, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - SPED 860: Practicum Low-Incidence
Stranathan, Pam - Teaching and Leadership - 06/09/2010 - CURIN 878: Assessment for Effective Teaching
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - SSLS 800: Educational Leadership I
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 801: Educational Leadership II
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 809: Legal Foundations of Public Education
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2011 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - LDSP 854: Organizational Theory and Planning
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - LDSP 863: Supervision of Instruction
Striech, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - LDSP 888: Foundations of Education
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - SSLS 893: Practicum in Educational Leadership
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - LDSP 894: Practicum in Ed Leadership II Building Administration
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 11/10/2010 - SSLS 902: Educational Systems Leadership II
Streich, Ed - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - LDSP 903: Educational Systems III
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2011 - CURIN 874: Apprenticeship in Reading
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 12/05/2012 - READ 834: Advanced Child/Young Adult Literature
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - TCHL 854: Adv. Methods and Materials for English Language Learners
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 04/10/2013 - READ 869: Literacy Topics and Trends
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 04/11/2012 - READ 870: Developmental Reading Instruction
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - READ 870: Developmental Reading
Stuck, Kristi - Teaching and Leadership - 11/12/2014 - TCHL 891: Methods of Research
Sumner, Doug - Teaching and Leadership - 02/14/2007 - SSLS 809: Legal Foundations of Public Education
Toevs, Delanna Yandell - Teaching and Leadership - 05/05/2004 - SSLS 888: Foundations of Education
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 07/10/2014 - SPED 738: Characteristics of Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 12/04/2013 - SPED 761: Practicum: Adaptive Learning Needs
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 779: Teaching Elementary Students w/ Adaptive Learning Needs
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 12/04/2013 - SPED 779: Teaching Elementary Students with Adaptive Learning Needs
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - SPED 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Tomassi, Nancy - Teaching and Leadership - 05/07/2014 - SPED 849: Partnerships with Families of Exceptional Children and Youth
Tucker-Nevels, Eva - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 06/12/2019 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Tucker-Nevels, Eva - Teaching and Leadership - 09/15/2017 - TCHL 825: The Professional Semester: Initial Experience
Tucker-Nevels, Eva - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Tucker-Nevels, Eva - Teaching and Leadership - 12/06/2017 - TCHL 839: Techniques for Teaching Secondary
Tucker-Nevels, Eva - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 854: Advanced Methods for English for Speakers of Other Languages
Viveros, Carolina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 851: Multicultural Approaches to Diversity in the Classroom
Viveros, Carolina - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 852: Advanced Culture and Language Acquisition for ELL
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 09/14/2016 - READ 720: Content Literacy for Middle and Secondary Teachers
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 09/15/2017 - READ 720: Content Literacy for Middle and Secondary Teachers
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - TCHL 836: Positive Classroom Management
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 12/06/2017 - TCHL 849: Professional Semester Teacher Culminating Experience
Viveros, Mary - Teaching and Leadership - 06/14/2017 - TCHL 879: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Watkins, L. Diane Swender - Teaching and Leadership - 18/WF - 09/12/2018 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Project-Based Staff Development
Watkins, L. Diane Swender - Teaching and Leadership - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - TCHL 741: PBSD: Selected & Constructed Response Assessment Design in PLC
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2005 - CURIN 741: Seminar
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - SSLS 741: Seminar: Using Teaming Skill Elementary
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 07/11/2007 - SSLS 741: Seminar: Characteristics
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 06/11/2008 - CURIN 741: Curriculum Design
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 04/14/2010 - CURIN 741: Professional Learning Communities in Action
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 05/04/2011 - CURIN 741: Enhanced Instruc. Design & Delivery Practices Inc. Differentiation, Higher Order Thinking Skills and Technology
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 05/02/2012 - TCHL 741: Results Based Staff Development: Designing 21st Century Learning Outcomes
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 05/02/2012 - TCHL 741: Evidence Based Practices
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - TCHL 741: Staff Development
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 04/09/2014 - TCHL 741: KS College and Career Readiness
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2015 - TCHL 741: Topics: Designing and Implementing Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Interventions in Professional Learning Communities to Deepen Student Understanding
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - TCHL 741: College and Career Readiness Standards Embedding Activities, Technology, and 21st Century Skills
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 06/08/2016 - TCHL 741: Project Based Staff Development: KCCRS Aligned Curriculum Design Linked to the 21st Century Learning Skills, Rose Standards and Anchor Standards
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - SSLS 835: Elementary/Middle School Curriculum
Watkins, Diane - Teaching and Leadership - 09/09/2009 - SSLS 836: Secondary School Curriculum
Weaver, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - EDTH 731: Topics in Educational Technology: Hot Topics IN Educational Technology
Weaver, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology: Gamification
Weaver, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Weaver, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - EDTH 734: Infrastructure Networking
Weaver, Jason - Teaching and Leadership - 07/2016 - EDTH 732: Topics in Educational Technology: Planning for Managing 1:1 Environments
Weaver, Jason Teaching and Leadership - 02/08/2017 - EDTH 735: Information Retrieval and Transfer
Wendt, Matthew - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 834: Curriculum Development
Wendt, Matthew - Teaching and Leadership - 06/01/2006 - SSLS 903: Educational Systems Leadership III
Westervelt, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 03/16/2005 - SSLS 735: Information Retrieval
Westervelt, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 11/09/2005 - SSLS 737: Cataloging and Classification
Westervelt, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 10/12/2005 - SSLS 825: Administration of Instructional Systems
Westervelt, Kylie - Teaching and Leadership - 05/06/2009 - SSLS 868: Educational Technology Application
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership - 07/14/2004 - SSLS 761: Practicum/Adaptive Learning Needs
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership- 07/14/2004 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership - 02/09/2005 - SSLS 849: Partnerships with Families with Exceptional Children and Youth
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership - 06/10/2009 - SSLS 852: Characteristics of Students with Functional Learning Needs
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership - 11/11/2009 - SSLS 853: Teaching Students with Functional Learning Needs
Williams, Shirley - Teaching and Leadership - 06/09/2014 - SPED 860: Practicum Functional Learning Needs
Willis, Sonya - Teaching and Leadership - 12/02/2009 - SSLS 847: The Principalship
Wire, Kent - Teaching and Leadership - 18/SU - 06/13/2018 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Utilizing the Professional Learning Communities/RTI Model to Meet the Educational Needs of Every Student (Session 1 of 2)
Wire, G. Kent - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 05/01/2019 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Essential Outcomes for All Students: Utilizing Data Tools to Track Student Performance
Wire, G. Kent - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 05/01/2019 - TCHL 741: Seminar: Trauma Informed, Trauma Impacted, Trauma Sensitive: What does it all Mean?
Wire, G. Kent - Teaching and Leadership - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - LDSP 888: Foundations of Education
Witt Aubert, Amanda - Teaching and Leadership - 05/02/2012 - EDTH 733: Professional Development
Yan, Bo - Teaching and Leadership - 06/13/2007 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Yoho, Tim - Teaching and Leadership - 02/10/2010 - SSLS 815: Individuals with Exceptionalities
Ziegler, Christy - Teaching and Leadership - 03/11/2009 - SSLS 891: Methods of Research
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/14/2015 - TWL 795 or GRT 783: Internship in Industry & Technology
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/14/2015 - TWL 795 or GRT 783: Internship in Industry & Technology
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - GRT 895: Grad Review and Assessment
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - GRT 897: Grad Assessment Project
Aba, Eli - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - TWL 897: Seminar: Quantitative Decision Making
Bastion, Susan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - GRT 799: Professional Development for Technologist
Bastion, Susan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/SP - 02/13/2019 - TTED 887: Statistical Application in Technology Research
Bastion, Susan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/15/2017 - TTED 887: Data Analysis
Bastion, Susan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/12/2014 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Bastion, Susan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/14/2016 - GRT 891 : Seminar: Quantitative Decision Making
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/09/2005 - TTED 808: Cooperative Education
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/04/2004 - TTED 893: Performance Evaluation
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/09/2005 - TTED 894: History & Philosophy of Voc Education
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/04/2004 - TTED 898: Computer Generated Multimedia
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 04/09/2008 - HRD 775: Instructional Technology
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 04/09/2008 - HRD 785: Video Lesson Development
Bradrick, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/13/2006 - HRD 805: Special Problems
Brown, Matthew - Technology and Workforce Learning - 18/WF - 06/13/2018 - GRT 753: Special Topic: Design and Problem Solving
Brown, Matthew - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - TE 750: Technology and Society
Brown, Matthew -Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - GRT 750: Technology and Society
Brown, Matthew - Technology and Workforce Learning - TE 753: Special Topics in TE: Technology and Civilization
Cannell, Timothy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/08/2008 - TST 897: Seminar in Technology
Cannell, Timothy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/14/2010 - TWL 897: Seminar in Technology Education (PITSCO)
Clanton, James - Technology and Workforce Learning - 10/14/2009 - TTED 801: Organization and Adm Vocational Education
Custer, Duane - Technology and Workforce Learning - TTED 801: Organization and Administration Vocational Ed
Custer, Duane - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/11/2015 - TTED 801: Organization and Administration of Vocational Education
Dean, Harvey - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/13/2005 - TST 897: Seminar in Technology
Dorsey, Jaret - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/12/2014 - HRD 775: Instructional Technology
Downing, Ron - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/04/2005 - AT or TST 795: Special Topics in Technology
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - TTED 708: Lab and Tool Safety
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - TTED 780: Classroom Management in CTE
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - TTED 805: Special Problems in CTE
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/12/2014 - TTED 805: Special Problems in CTE
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - TTED 808: Work-based Learning in CTE
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - TTED 832: Needs Assessment
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/12/2014 - TTED 893: Student Assessment/Dev in CTE
Elliott, Kevin - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - TTED 893: Student Assessment/Dev in CTE
Fischer, Jan - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/13/2008 - HRD 853: Workforce Development
Goris, Tatiana - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/09/2016 - GRT 750: Technology and Society
Goris, Tatiana - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/12/2017 - GRT 750: Technology and Society
Goris, Tatiana - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/12/2017 - TWL 795: TP: Professional Development
Goris, Tatiana - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/09/2016 - GRT 891: Research Methods in Technology
Goris, Tatiana - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/12/2017 - GRT 891: Research Methods in Technology
Hague, Doug - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/10/2010 - WT 795: Special Topics: Wining Molder Training
Hague, Doug - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/12/2014 - WT 795: Special Topics: Wood Manufacturing
Hague, Doug - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/02/2015 - TWL 795: Special Topics: Wood Manufacturing Technology
Hague, Doug - Technology and Workforce Learning - 06/08/2016 - TWL 795: Topic: Professional Development and Applied Skills
Jones, Jon - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - TTED 779: Instructional Methods CTE
Jones, Jon - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/SP - 12/05/2018 - TTED 883: Student Assessment and Development in CTE
Kayanan, Leslie - Technology and Workforce Learning - 18/WF - 04/11/2018 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Kayanan, Leslie - Teaching and Workforce Learning - 09/14/2016 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Keller, Kerri - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/SU - 06/12/2019 - Strategies in the Development of HR
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/09/2007 - TE 753: Special Topics: TSA National Conference
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/10/2008 - TE 754: Power/Energy/Transportation Systems Technology
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/10/2008 - TE 755: Materials and Processes
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 756: Communication Systems Technology
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 806: Studies in Technology Education
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 2/14/2007 - TE 850: Contemporary Developments in Technology Education
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 851: Teaching Technology to Children
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 863: Topics in Materials in Processes
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 864: Topics in Communication Technology
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 882: Instructional Strategies for Technology Education
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 893: Seminar in Technology Education (Graduate Project)
Klenke, Andy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/10/2008 - TE 753: Special Topics: Technology Education (Graduate Project)
*Kuefler, John - Technology and Workforce Learning - 20/WF - 05/06/2020 - TTED 741: Seminar (Programming Workshop)
Lambeth, Jenea M. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - TTED 845: Instructional System Design & Career Development
Lambeth, Jenea M. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - TTED 887: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Mattson, Gary - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/11/2015 - HRD 706: HRD 706: Personnel Development
Mattson, Gary - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2008 - HRD 852: Organizational Development and Change
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 753: Special Topics in Technology Education (Graduate Project)
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/05/2007 - TE 753: Special Topics: Organization and Management (Graduate Project)
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 754: Power/Energy/Transportation Systems Technology
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 755: Materials and Processes
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 756: Communication Systems Technology
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 806: Studies in Technology Education
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/10/2008 - TE 840: Production Technology: Construction
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 841: Production Technology: Manufacturing
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 850: Contemporary Development in Technology Education
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/10/2008 - TE 851: Teaching Technology to Children
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 863: Topics in Materials and Processes
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 864: Topics in Communication Technology
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/14/2007 - TE 882: Instructional Strategies for Technology Education
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/14/2006 - TE 893: Seminar in Technology Education (Graduate Project)
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/09/2007 - TE 893: Seminar: Journeys in the Jungle - Young Engineers
Neden, Michael W. - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/09/2007 - TE 893: Seminar: Integrated Activities - Young Engineers
Nonnenmacher, Heidi - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/13/2008 - HRD 852: Organizational Development and Change
Phillips, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 18/WF - 04/11/2016 - TWL 795: Special topics in Wood: Wood Curr Dev and/or Architectural Manufacturing Management & Technology
Phillips, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/07/2014 - TWL 795: Wood Technology: Beyond the Norm
Phillips, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - TWL 795: Special Topic in Wood: (Wood Curr Dev)
Rector, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2009 - TE 753: Special Topics: Master Cam Basics Workshop
Rector, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/02/2012 - TE 753: Special Topics: AutoDesk Inventor Intermediate Workshop
Rector, Charles - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/02/2012 - TE 753: Special Topics: Technology and IAP Workshop
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/12/2014 - HRD 745: Designing HRD Interventions
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - HRD 805: Special Programs
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - TE 852: Organizational Development & Change
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - TE 853: Workforce Development
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - HRD 883: Internship in HRD
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/12/2014 - HRD 891: Methods of Research
Rogers, MeLisa - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2014 - HRD 899: Planning and Implementing
Rowe, Jimi - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/13/2008 - HRD 851: Career Planning in HRD
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 06/08/2016 - HRD 706: Personnel Development Business/Industry
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/03/2017 - HRD 753: Workforce Development
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 06/08/2016 - HRD 804: Fundamentals of Frontline Supervision
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 11/09/2016 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Interventions
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - HRD 852: Organizational Development
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 06/08/2016 - HRD 891: Methods of Research in HRD
Smetana, Judy - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/03/2017 - HRD 899: Planning/Implementing HRD
Smith, Stephen - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Interventions
Smith, Stephen - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/10/2014 - HRD 745: Designing HRD Interventions
Smith, Stephen - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/11/2013 - HRD 749: Designing HRD Interventions
Smith, Stephen - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/02/2015 - HRD 845: Designing HRD Interventions
Strenth, William - Technology and Workforce Learning - 04/09/2008 - GRT 899: Quantitative Decision Making in Industry
Su, Sho-Hsien - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/13/2013 - TTED 887: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Venneberg, Donald - Technology and Workforce Learning - 19/WF - 09/11/2019 - HRD 804: Leadership Management
Ward, Jason - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/07/2011 - HRD 775: Instructional Technology
Ward, Jason - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/09/2013 - HRD 785: Video Lesson Development
Wick, Ann - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/07/2008 - TTED 807: Career/Technical Education Student Organizations
Wick, Ann - Technology and Workforce Learning - 05/05/2010 - TTED 807: Career & Technical Education Student Organizations
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - GIT 800: Internship
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/11/2013 - GIT 810: Special Topics: Specialty Graphics
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/11/2013 - GIT 810: Special Topics: Photoshop Composing
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 09/11/2013 - GIT 810: Special Topics: Portrait Retouching
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/02/2015 - GIT 810: Special Topics: Graphics
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 12/02/2015 - GIT 810: Special Topics: Graphics
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - GIT 840: Color Reproduction
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 07/08/2015 - GIT 880: Graphics Administration
Wilson, Barry - Technology and Workforce Learning - 02/08/2017 - GIT 892: Sel Readings in Graphics
*Only approved for the 20/WF semester
Dowell, Angie - Women's Studies - 07/08/2009 - WF 700: Fundamentals of Women's Studies
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