Faculty Senate

The PSU Faculty Senate has legislative authority in all matters dealing with the courses and curricula, subject to review by the president of the University. In accordance with the Board of Regents' policy, upon the authority of the chief executive officer, the Pittsburg State University faculty has the legislative authority and responsibility to adopt policies, regulations, and procedures intended to achieve the educational objectives of the University.

  • About us
  • Faculty Senate Officers (2024-2025)
  • 2024-2025 Faculty Senate Membership
  • Committees and Subcommittees (2023-2024)
  • Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
  • Legislative Process for Undergraduate Curriculum Items and Forms
  • 10-day University Wide Viewing of Legislative Items for Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Approval
  • Archived Documents

The roles of the PSU Faculty Senate are to:  

  • provide the faculty an opportunity to express opinions on all matters relating to the educational objectives of the University.
  • provide channels for the faculty to formulate and effectuate educational policies.
  • disseminate information so that educational policies and practices of schools, departments, and other academic units will be coordinated.
  • conduct studies deemed essential to the progress of the institution.
  • evaluate academic programs and practices, and to facilitate such improvements as seem warranted.

Who can be a Faculty Senator? In order to be eligible for election to the Senate, a person must be:

  • a full-time member of the faculty with rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor, exclusive of departmental chairs and others whose prime responsibility is administration;
  • or a person must hold a fractional time appointment of .5 or more with the rank of instructor or higher, providing
    • (1) that if initially employed on a .5 or more fractional basis that person has had an appointment for at least three semesters (summers may be included),
    • or (2) that if appointment on a .5 or more fractional basis is made at the person's own request that it follow a period of at least one year on a full-time basis.

Who can vote for Faculty Senators?

The electorate for the Faculty Senate are the members of the general faculty. The general faculty include those faculty members eligible for election plus those excluded because of administrative assignments.

Faculty Senate Officers (2024-2025)

Faculty Senate Officers

  • President: Norman Philipp (School of Construction, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)
  • President Elect: David Weaver (1, David weaver@pittstate.edu, x. 6045)
  • Past President: Rebeca Book (Engineering Technology, rbook@pittstate.edu, x. 4034)
  • Secretary:
  • Parliamentarian:

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Members

    • Norman Philipp, President
    • Rebeca Book, Past-President
    • David Weaver, President-Elect 
    • , Secretary
    • , Parliamentarian
    • , CAS
    • , CAS
    • , COB
    • , COT
    • , COE

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Membership

Faculty Senate President

Norman Philipp (School of Construction, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)

Past President

Rebeca Book (Engineering Technology, rbook@pittstate.edu, x. 4034)

College of Arts and Sciences

Art, Janet Lewis (2, jlewis@pittstate.edu, x. 4307)

Biology, Andrew George (2, adgeorge@pittstate.edu, x. 4030)

Chemistry, Ram Gupta (1, rgupta@pittstate.edu, x. 4763)

Communication, Kristen Livingston (1, kmlivingston@pittstate.edu, x. 4715)

English and Modern Languages, Casie Hermansson (2, chermansson@pittstate.edu, x. 4037)

English and Modern Languages, Myriam Krepps, (2, mkrepps@pittstate.edu  x. 4710)

History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Tim Bailey (1, tbailey@pittstate.edu, x. 4436)

History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Jonathan Dresner (1, jdresner@pittstate.edu, x. 4315)

Mathematics, Scott Thuong (1, sthuong@pittstate.edu, x. 4429)

Military Science, Joseph Labuda (1, jlabuda@pittstate.edu, x. 4859)

Music, John Ross (1, jross@pittstate.edu, x. 4477)

Nursing, Ashleigh Heter (2, aheter@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)

Nursing, Karen Johnson (2, kajohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 6187)

Physics, David Pearson (2, dwpearson@pittstate.edu, x. 4907)

Women’s Studies, Kyle Thompson (1, mkthompson@pittstate.edu, x.4318)

College of Business

Undergraduate, Kristen Maceli (2, kmaceli@pittstate.edu x. 4571)

Undergraduate, David Weaver (1, David weaver@pittstate.edu, x. 6045)

College of Education

Health, Physical Education & Recreation, David Boffey (1, aboffey@pittstate.edu, x. 4672)

Psychology and Counseling, Paige Boydston (1, paigeboydston@pittstate.edu, x. 4279)

Family and Consumer Sciences, Kari Cronister (2, kcronister@pittstate.edu x. 4461)

Teaching and Leadership, Marcus Daczewitz (2, mdaczewitz@pittstate.edu, x. 4393)

Teaching and Leadership,  Ashley Shaw (2, ajshaw@pittstate.edu, x. 6104)

College of Technology

Automotive Technology, Steve Polley (1, spolley@pittstate.edu, x. 6515)

Engineering Technology, Dan Maxwell (1, dmaxwell@pittstate.edu, x. 4374)

School of Construction, Norm Philipp (1, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)

Graphics and Imaging Technology, Jason Reid (2, jreid@pittstate.edu, x. 4417)

Technology and Workforce Learning, Jordan Backs (2, jbacks@pittstate.edu, x. 4024)

Division of Learning Resources -Library Services

Library Services, Beth Hendrickson (1, bhendrickson@pittstate.edu, x. 4355)

At-Large Members

Susan Carlson (1, English & Modern Languages, scarlson@pittstate.edu, x. 4692)

Kris Lawson (1, History, Philosophy & Social Sciences, klawson@pittstate.edu, x. 4319)

Ananda Jayawardhana, (1, Mathematics, ajayawardhana@pittstate.edu, x. 4414)

Amy Hite (2, Irene Ransom Bradley School of Nursing, ahite@pittstate.edu, x. 6528)

Barbara McClaskey (1, Nursing, bmcclaskey@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)

Kristi Frisbee (1, Nursing, kfrisbee@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)

Gail Yarick (1, Kelce College of Business, gyarick@pittstate.edu, x. 4563)

Kent Runyan (2, Teaching and Leadership, krunyan@pittstate.edu, x. 4497)

Rebeca Book (1, Engineering Technology, rbook@pittstate.edu, x. 4034)

Clifford Morris (1, School of Construction, cdmorris@pittstate.edu, x. 4382)

Mark Johnson (1, Technology and Workforce Learning, mjohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4628)

Ruth Monnier (1, Library Services, rmonnier@pittstate.edu, x. 4885)

Recording Secretary

Melinda Roelfs, (Registrar, mroelfs@pittstate.edu, x. 4205)

Standing Committees with Their Subcommittees


A one (1) means the first year of a 2-year term.

A two (2) means the second year of a 2-year term.

Academic Affairs Committee

  • Norm Philipp, Chair (1, School of Construction, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)
  • David Weaver, Recorder (1, Kelce Undergraduate, davidweaver@pittstate.edu, x. 4311)
  • Mark Diacopoulos (1, Teaching & Leadership, mdiacopoulos@pittstate.edu, x.4916)
  • Gary Wilson (2, History, Philosophy and Social Science, jdaley@pittstate.edu, x. 6020)
  • Kristi Frisbee (2, Nursing, kfrisbee@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Trina Larery (2, Nursing, tlarery@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Joseph Marten (jmarten@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Jonah Sandford (jsandford@gus.pittstate.edu)

Composition: One executive committee member, and five members of the general faculty (two of whom are senators) and two students.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A at Faculty Senate Constitution


Academic Honesty Committee

  • Norm Phillip, Chair (1, School of Construction, nphillip@pittstate.educ x. 4347)
  • Serif Uran (1, Math, suran@pittstate.edu, x. 4872)
  • Tracy Stahl (2, Nursing, tstahl@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Ram Gupta (1, Chemistry, rgupta@pittstate.edu, x. 4763)
  • Clifford Morris (2, School of Construction, cdmorris@pittstate.edu, x. 4382)
  • Brian Sims (Grad Council, Teaching and Leadership, bsims@pittstate.edu, x. 6090)

Student Senate Appointees (2 Seniors)

  • Walker Mallatt (jmallatt@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Kip Sheffer (kcsheffer@gus.pittstate.edu)

Graduate Student Association (1 Graduate Student)


Composition: The Academic Honesty Committee is convened under the auspices of the Provost. It is composed of nine members. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is responsible for appointing five of these members and one member is appointed by the Graduate Council Executive Committee. All must be full-time members of the teaching faculty. Members chosen by the Executive Committee serve staggered two-year terms. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall make its appointments at the beginning of the academic year. In addition to its six faculty members, the Academic Honesty Committee shall include three student members. Two (2) students shall be appointed by the Student Government Association. An additional (1) student shall be appointed by the Graduate Student Advisory Council. The students from both organizations will be appointed annually and at the beginning of the Fall semester.

Academic Honors Subcommittee

  • Jamie Wood, Chair (2, Teaching & Leadership, jwood@pittstate.edu, x. 4193)
  • Dan Maxwell (1, School of Auto & Eng Tech, dmaxwell@pittstate.edu, x. 4374)
  • Jessica Jorgenson Borchert, Recorder (1, English, jjorgenson@pittstate.edu x. 4717)
  • Connie Shum, (2, Kelce Undergraduate College of Business, cshum@pittstate.edu, X. 4568)
  • Joy Bringance, (1, School of Nursing, jbrigance@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)

Student Appointees

  •  Jenna Clark (jnclark@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Katie McKain (kmckain@gus.pittstate.edu)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Howard Smith (Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4104)
  • Brian Moots (Director, Honors College, bmoots@pittstate.edu, x. 4902)

Composition: This committee shall consist of five faculty members. The five faculty members shall be from schools/departments participating in the academic honors program with one from the College of Education, one from the College of Technology, one from the College of Business and two from the College of Arts and Sciences. Within the College of Arts and Sciences, there will be separate committees including one representing the school/departments of natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and nursing) and one from one of the other departments (art, communication, English & modern languages, family & consumer sciences, history, philosophy & social sciences, military science, music and interdisciplinary programs). When possible and filled in a timely manner by the Student Government Association, two students who are eligible to participate in the Academic Honors Program shall also be included in the committee membership. The Director of Honors College and the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as an ex-officio members.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.6 at Faculty Senate Constitution


All-University Committee

  • Jason Ward (1, Technology & Workforce Learning, jward@pittstate.edu, x. 4423)
  • Jason Reid, Recorder (2, Technology & Workforce Learning, jreid@pittstate.edu, x. 4417)
  • Jason Clemensen (1, Teaching & Leadership, jclemensen@pittstate.edu, x. 4926)
  • Kristen Maceli (1, Kelce Undergrad, kmaceli@pittstate.edu, x. 4571)
  • Anna Beth Gilmore (1, School of Nursing, agilmore@pittstate.edu, x. 5430)
  • James Whitney (2, Biology, jewhitney@pittstate.edu, x. 4735)

Student Senate Appointees

  • Natalie Garland (ngarland@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Ashley Heinen (aheinen@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Kayley Smith (kayley.smith@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Reese Stucky (rstucky@gus.pittstate.edu)

Composition: This committee shall be comprised of six faculty members of which one is an executive committee member and five are members of general faculty (two of whom are senators) and four students.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.C at Faculty Senate Constitution


Budget Committee

  • Kent Runyan (2, Teaching & Leadership, crunyan@pittstate.edu, x. 4497)
  • Jason Clemensen (1, Teaching and Leadership, jclemensen@pittstate.edu, x. 4926)
  • Karen Johnson, Recorder (1, School of Nursing, kajohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Jillian Moga (2, Communication, jmoga@pittstate.edu, x. 4723)
  • Mary Jo Goedeke, Chair (2, Kelce College of Business, mgoedeke@pittstate.edu, x. 3041)
  • Shannon Nicklaus (1, School of Construction, snicklaus@pittstate.edu, x. 4364)


  • Doug Ball (Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Administration, dball@pittstate.edu, x, 4108)

Composition: Membership for this committee shall be one individual from the College of Education, the College of Business, and the College of Technology, and two individuals from the College of Arts and Sciences. The sixth committee member shall be a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.  The seventh committee member shall be the University Vice President of Administration, or his/her designate, who shall serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.G at Faculty Senate Constitution


Constitution Committee

  • Beth Hendrickson, Recorder (1, Library Services, bhendrickson@pittstate.edu, x. 4355)
  • Mark Johnson, Chair (1, School of Technology & Workforce Learning, mjohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4628)
  • Dan Maxwell (1, School of Auto & Eng Tech, dmaxwell@pittstate.edu, x. 4374)
  • Ashleigh Heter (2, Nursing, aheter@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Michelle Hudiburg (2, Teaching & Leadership, mhudiburg@pittstate.edu, x. 4507)
  • Barth Cox (2, Communication, blcox@pittstate.edu, x. 6507)


Composition: This committee shall be composed of six faculty to include one member of the Executive Committee and five general faculty of which two are senators.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.E at Faculty Senate Constitution


Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Subcommittee

  • Laura Lee Washburn, Chair (2, English & Modern Languages, lwashburn@pittstate.edu, x. 4362)
  • Kristen Maceli, Recorder (1, Kelce Undergrad, kmaceli@pittstate.edu, x. 4571)
  • Ananda Jayawardhana (1, Math, ajayawardhana@pittstate.edu, x. 4414)
  • Donna Zerr (1, Teaching and Leadership, dzerr@pittstate.edu, x. 4215)
  • Michelle Hudiburg (1, Teaching and Leadership, mhudiburg@pittstate.edu, x. 4507)
  • Tatiana Goris (2, Technology & Workforce Learning, tgoris@pittstate.edu, x. 4362)
  • Kent Runyan (2, Teaching & Leadership, crunyan@pittstate.edu, x. 4497)

Student appointees

  • Sarah Paxson (spaxson@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Bianca Alverado (biancaalverado@gus.pittstate.edu)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Deatrea Rose (Director of Multicultural Student Affairs/Student Diversity, drose@pittstate.edu, x. 6556)
  • Cindy Johnson (Director, Institutional Equity, cynthia.johnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4189)

Composition: This committee shall consist of one faculty member from the Department of Teaching and Leadership, one faculty member from Teacher Education (Secondary), one faculty member from each of the other college/schools (Arts and Sciences, Business, and Technology), two at-large faculty members, and two students. The Director of Student Diversity Programs and the Director of Institutional Equity shall serve as ex-officio members of the committee.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.10 at Faculty Senate Constitution


Faculty Affairs Committee

  • Paige Boydston (1, Psychology, paigeboydston@pittstate.edu, x. 4279)
  • Jennifer Harris (1, School of Nursing, jharris@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • Stephen Horner (1, Kelce Undergrad, shorner@pittstate.edu, x. 4585)
  • Ananda Jayawardhana (2, Mathematics, ajayawardhana@pittstate.edu, x. 4414)
  • Jonathan Dresner, Chair (2, History, Philosophy, & Social Sciences, jdresner@pittstate.edu, x. 4315)
  • Kevin Elliott, Recorder (1, Technology & Workforce Learning, kselliott@pittstate.edu, x. 4294)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Susan Dellasega (Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, sdellasega@pittstate.edu, x. 4243)

Composition: This committee shall be composed of six faculty to include one member of the Executive Committee and five general faculty of whom two are senators. The Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.D at Faculty Senate Constitution


Honors College Subcommittee

  • Rion Huffman (2, Technology & Workforce Learning, chuffman@pittstate.edu, x. 4848)
  • Michelle Hudiburg, Chair (1, Teaching and Leadership, mhudiburg@pittstate.edu, x. 4507)
  • Steve Horner (1, Kelce Undergrad, shorner@pittstate.edu, x. 4585)
  • Randy Winzer (1, School of Auto & Engineering Technology, wwinzer@pittstate.edu, x. 4370)
  • Anuradha Ghosh, Recorder (2, Biology, aghosh@pittstate.edu, x. 4532)

Student Senate Appointees

  • Erik Jantz (ejantz@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Hannah Eckstein (hdeckstein@gus.pittstate.edu)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Brian Moots (Director, Honors College, bmoots@pittstate.edu, x. 4902) 
  • Howard Smith (Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4113)

Composition: This committee shall consist of six faculty members, one of whom shall be the director of the Honors College serving ex-officio, and two students eligible to participate in the Honors College Program, one from the junior class and one from the senior class. A faculty member term shall be two years, with three members selected in even numbered years and two members selected in odd numbered years. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall be an ex-officio member of the committee without voting privileges.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.8 at Faculty Senate Constitution


Joint University Student Publications Board

  • Mary Carol Pomatto, Chair (Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, mpomatto@pittstate.edu)
  • Karl Stumo (Student Affairs And Enrollment Management, kstumo@pittstate.edu)
  • Troy Comeau (Chair, Communication & English and Modern Language, tcomeau@pittstate.edu)
  • Communication, Faculty Member
  • Chase Dearinger (Faculty Senate representative, English and Modern Language, cdearinger@pittstate.edu)
  • Susan Carlson (Faculty Senate representative, English and Modern Language, scarlson@pittstate.edu)
  • Gena Coomes (Faculty Senate representative, Nursing, gcoomes@pittstate.edu)
  • Nancy Grantham (University Support Staff representative, ngrantham@pittstate.edu)
  • SGA Student
  • SGA Student
  • CAS Student
  • COB Student
  • COE Student
  • COT Student

Ex-Officio Members

  • Josh Letner (Director, Publications, jbletner@pittstate.edu, x. 4809)
  • Editor, Kanza
  • Editor, Collegio

Composition:  This committee shall consist of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences who shall serve as Chair, Vice-President for Student Life, Chairperson of the English Department, a faculty member from Communications, four Faculty Senate representatives, two Student Government Association representatives, one classified representative and one student from each of the four colleges/schools. Members who are ex-officio will be the Editor of the Collegio, Editor of the Kanza and the Student Publications Director.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.C.1 at Faculty Senate Constitution


Library Services  Subcommittee

  • Chris Labuda, Chair (1, Library Services, clabuda@pittstate.edu, x. 4893)
  • Jorge Leon (2, Library Services, jleon@pittstate.edu, x. 4892)
  • Mary Larsen (1, English & Modern Languages, marylarsen@pittstate.edu, x. 4689)
  • Lora Winters (2, English & Modern Languages, lwinters@pittstate.edu, x. 4694)
  • Rick Hardy (2, Health, Human Performance & Recreation, rhardy@pittstate.edu, x. 3041)
  • Kevin Elliott(1, School of Technology & Workforce Learning, kselliott@pittstate.edu, x. 4294)
  • Beth Hendrickson, Recorder (1, Library Services, bhendrickson@pittstate.edu, x. 4893)
  • Mary Jo Goedeke (2, Kelce College of Business, jgoedeke@pittstate.edu, x. 3041)

Student Senate Appointees (1 Graduate, 1 Undergraduate)

  • Alyvia Swartz (aswartz@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Charlie Judd (crjudd@gus.pittstate.edu)

Ex-Officio Member

  • Howard Smith, (Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4113)
  • Randy Roberts, (Dean of Library Services, reroberts@pittstate.edu, X. 4878)

Composition: This committee shall consist of five faculty members ( with at least one representative from each College in the University), plus three faculty representatives from Library Services, two students (one undergraduate, one graduate student), with the Dean of Library Services, and the Academic Vice-President serving as ex- officio members, without voting privileges.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.3 at Faculty Senate Constitution


Online and Distance Learning Subcommittee

  • Susan Johns-Smith (2, Library Services, sjohnssmith@pittstate.edu, x. 4115)
  • Paige Boydston, Recorder (1, Psychology, paigeboydston@pittstate.edu, x. 4279)
  • Gail Yarick (2, Kelce College of Business, gyarick@pittstate.edu, x. 4563)
  • Kelly Woestman, Chair (1, History Philosophy & Social Sciences, kwoestman@pittstate.edu, x. 4316)
  • Kevin Elliott (1, School of Technology & Workforce Learning, kselliott@pittstate.edu, x. 4294)

Student Senate Appointees (2)

  • Bella Bertoncino (ibertoncino@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Gracie Gardner (gpgardner@gus.pittstate.edu)


  • Jim Truelove (College of Education, Dean, jtruelove@pittstate.edu, x. 4516)
  • Susan Delasega (Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, sdellasega@pittstate.edu, x.4270) 
  • Melinda Roelfs (Registrar, mroelfs@pittstate.edu, x. 4205)

Composition: This committee shall include one faculty member from each of the four colleges, one faculty member from Axe Library staff, two faculty from the Faculty Senate membership, and two students.  The Academic Affairs Vice President and Director of Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology shall serve as an ex-officio members.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.5 at Faculty Senate Constitution


PittState Pathway Committee

  • Lora Winters (2, English & Modern Languages, lwinters@pittstate.edu, x. 4694)
  • Mary Larsen (1, English & Modern Languages, marylarsen@pittstate.edu, x. 4689)
  • Mark Johnson, Chair (2, Technology & Workforce Learning, mjohnson@pittstate.edu, x. 4628)
  • Mike McKinnis (1, Kelce Undergrad, mmckinnis@pittstate.edu, x. 6575)
  • Donna Zerr (1, Teaching & Leadership, dzerr@pittstate.edu, x. 4215)
  • Kris Lawson (1, History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences, klawson@pittstate.edu, x. 4319)

Student Senate Appointees

  • Hannah Eckstein (hdeckstein@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Liz Blankenship (eblankenship@gus.pittstate.edu)


  • Howard Smith, ( Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4113)
  • Mark Diacopoulos (Director of Assessment, mdiacopoulos@pittstate.edu, x 4916)

Composition: Members of this committee shall be comprised of one full-time faculty member from the College of Business, the College of Education, the College of Technology, two full-time faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences, and an at-large member to be selected by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and two students appointed by the Student Senate. At least four of the six, full-time faculty members must teach a General Education course at least once a year.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.F at Faculty Senate Constitution


Student-Faculty Committee

  • Barb McClakey (1, School of Nursing, bmcclaskey@pittstate.edu, x. 4431)
  • David Weaver, Chair (1, Kelce Undergrad davidweaver@pittstate.edu, x. 4546)
  • Marc Daczewitz (2, Teaching & Leadership, mdaczewitz@pittstate.edu, x. 4393)
  • Shannon Nicklaus (2, School of Construction, snicklaus@pittstate.edu, x. 4364)
  • Donna Zerr (1, Teaching & Leadership, dzerr@pittstate.edu, x. 4215)
  • Jessica Jorgenson-Borchert, Recorder (2, English & Modern Languages, jjorgenson@pittstate.edu, x. 4694)

Student Appointees

  • Emily Feuerborn (efeuerborn@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Darrell McLeod (dmcleod@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Karly Kill (kkill@gus.pittstate.edu)
  • Alyx VanRheen (avanrheen@gus.pittstate.edu)


  • Jon Bartlow (Interim Associate Vice President & Dean of Students, jbartlow@pittstate.edu, x. 4945)
  • Melinda Roelfs (Registrar, mreolfs@pittstate.edu, x. 4205)

Composition: This committee shall include four students in addition to six Faculty (1 member of the Executive Committee, and 5 general faculty members of which 2 are senators); the Assistant Vice-President for Student Life and the Registrar shall serve as ex-officio members.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.B at Faculty Senate Constitution


Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee

  • Mary Jo Goedeke, Chair (Undergraduate Kelce College of Business, mgoedek@pittstate.edu, x. 6041)
  • Shelby Hutchens, Recorder (Health, Human Performance and Recreation, nhutchens@pittstate.edu, x. 4664)
  • Kris Lawson (History, Philosophy And Social Sciences, klawson@pittstate.edu, x. 4319)
  • Byron McKay (Technology & Workforce Learning, bmckay@pittstate.edu, x. 4379)
  • Norman Philipp, Ex-Officio (School of Construction, nphilipp@pittstate.edu, x. 4347)

Student Senate Appointee (1)

  •  Jordan Haworth (jhaworth@gus.pittstate.edu)

Ex-Officio Member

  • Howard Smith, (Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4113)
  • Registrar Representative, x. 4206

Composition: Five faculty and one student member. Each school curriculum committee will nominate one of its members (normally the elected chair) to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for appointment. Academic Vice President is ex-officio.

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.1 at Faculty Senate Constitution



Writing Across the Curriculum Subcommittee

  • Jason Clemensen, Chair (2, Teaching & Leadership, jclemensen@pittstate.edu, x. 4926)
  • Lydia Bechtel, Recorder (1, Music, lbechtel@pittstate.edu, x. 4479)
  • Carol Mexa-Bakke (1, HPASS, cmeza-bakke@pittstate.edu, X. 4330)
  • Dennis Audo (2, School of Construction, daudo@pittstate.edu, x. 4360)
  • Gail Yarick (2, Kelce College of Business, gyarick@pittstate.edu)
  • Robert Lindsey (1, Library, rlindsey@pittstate.edu, x. 4887)
  • Janet Zepernick (WAC Assistant Director, jzeperni@pittstate.edu, x. 6539)
  • Jessica Jorgenson Borchert (WAC Director, jjorgenson@pittstate.edu, x. 4694)

Student Senate Appointee

  •  Alaina Fulkerson (afulkerson@gus.pittstate.edu)


  • Howard Smith, (Provost/Vice President Academic Affairs, provost@pittstate.edu, x. 4113)

Composition: The committee shall consist of two members from the College of Arts and Sciences, one member from the College of Business, one member from the College of Technology, one member from the College of Education, one student member, one member from Library Services, the Director and Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (ex-officio).

For duties and responsibilities, see Bylaw IV.A.9 at Faculty Senate Constitution

Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2024-2025)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 30, 2024    Agenda  Minutes
October 28, 20234 Agenda Minutes
November 18, 2024   Agenda     Minutes
December 9, 2024   Agenda  Minutes
January 27, 2025   Agenda  Minutes
February 24, 2025   Agenda  Minutes
March 24, 2025   Agenda  Minutes
April 28, 2025       Agenda  Minutes
May 12, 2025   Agenda  Minutes


Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2023-2024)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 25, 2023    Agenda  Minutes
October 23, 2023 Agenda Minutes
November 27, 2023   Agenda     Minutes
December 11, 2023   Agenda  Minutes
January 29, 2024   Agenda  Minutes
February 26, 2024   Agenda  Minutes
March 25, 2024   Agenda  Minutes
April 22, 2024        Agenda  Minutes
May 6, 2024   Agenda  Minutes


Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2022-2023)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 26, 2022    Agenda  Minutes
October 31, 2022 Agenda Minutes
November 28, 2022   Agenda     Minutes
December 12, 2022   Agenda  Minutes
January 23, 2023   Agenda  Minutes
February 27, 2023   Agenda  Minutes
March 27, 2023   Agenda  Minutes
April 24, 2023          Agenda  Minutes
May 8, 2023   Agenda  Minutes

 Executive Meeting, April 24, 2023   Agenda

Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2021-2022)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 27, 2021   Agenda  Minutes
October 25, 2021 Agenda Minutes
November 29, 2021   Agenda    Minutes
December 6, 2021   Agenda  Minutes
January 24, 2022   Agenda  Minutes
February 28, 2022   Agenda  Minutes
March 28, 2022   Agenda  Minutes
April 25, 2022         EXEC   Agenda  Minutes
May 9, 2022   Agenda  Minutes


Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2020-2021)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 28, 2020   Agenda  Minutes
October 26, 2020 Agenda Minutes
November 30, 2020   Agenda  *  Minutes
December 7, 2020   Agenda  Minutes
January 25, 2021   Agenda  Minutes
February 22, 2021   Agenda  Minutes
March 29, 2021   Agenda  Minutes
April 26, 2021   Agenda  Minutes **
May 3, 2021   Agenda  Minutes

 2021-22 Faculty Senate Agenda - April 2021

* Special Meeting, **Elections Meeting

Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2019-2020)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader


August 15, 2019**



September 23, 2019



October 28, 2019



November 25, 2019



December 9, 2019



January 27, 2020



February 24, 2020



March 30, 2020*

April 8, 2020**




April 27, 2020*



May 11, 2020*



*Via Canvas     **Special Meeting


Faculty Senate Meetings, Agenda and Minutes (2018-2019)

Faculty Senate meets Mondays at 3 p.m. in the Sunflower Room at the Overman Student Center. The dates are listed below. Agendas are posted five calendar days before the meeting. Minutes are posted when received from the Recording Secretary but are not official until approved by the Senate at their next meeting.

Agendas and minutes are posted as "pdf". In order to read the pdf files, you will need to download the Acrobat Reader

September 24, 2018 Agenda Minutes
October 22, 2018 Agenda Minutes
November 26, 2018 Agenda Minutes
December 10, 2018 Agenda Minutes
January 28, 2019 Agenda Minutes
February 25, 2019 Agenda Minutes
March 25, 2019 Agenda Minutes
April 22, 2019 Agenda Minutes
May 6, 2019


Cont 1

Cont 2




Overview of Curriculum Legislation Guidelines

Curriculum Legislation Flowchart

Procedures Document - Which form to use for what.


Curriculum Legislation Forms

Course Form

Curriculum Form

New Major Form

New Minor/Emphasis/Certificate Form

Notification of Change Form

General Education Course Approval Form

KBOR New Program Proposal Form

KBOR New Minor Where No Board-Approved Degree Program Exists Form

Curriculum Legislation Timeline (Revised Summer 2013, Updated 7/30/21)

Legislative Process Calendar 2024-2025


8/12 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
8/26 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
9/6 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
9/18 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


9/9 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
9/30 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
10/4 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
10/16 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


Last opportunity for new Major/Program approval prior to the upcoming semester

10/14 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
10/28 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
11/8 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
11/13* Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


11/11 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
11/22 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
12/6 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
12/11 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting



Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.

12/20* Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
1/6* College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
1/15 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


1/13 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
1/27 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
2/7 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
2/19 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


2/10 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
2/24 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
3/7 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
3/12 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


Last date to submit items for approval at May Faculty Senate meeting

3/10 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
3/31 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
4/11 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
4/16 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting


4/14 Preliminary draft of proposed curricular items due
in College Curriculum "Preliminary Legislation"
SharePoint folder posted by department chair. Preliminary legislation items submitted after this date should be moved to the next month's preliminary legislation folder.
4/28 Final draft of Preliminary Legislation due in College
Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder posted by each College.
5/9 College Curriculum Committee meet by end of first week of 2nd month.
8/20 Approved College Curriculum Legislation with appropriate signatures due in FS SharePoint "Approved Curriculum from Colleges..."

10-day posting by Registrar's Administrative Specialist
on Faculty Senate web page for university-wide
viewing of curricular items.


Curricular items sent to Faculty Senate University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee SharePoint folder by Registrar's Admin.


Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet by the end of the 2nd week of month 3.


Faculty Senate Meeting

Each document or link opens in a new browser window.
   for *.pdf files, get the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader
   for *.doc files, you need Microsoft Word or equivalent

Basic Documents

Special Documents with Links

WWW Links

College of Arts and Sciences Legislation

Kelce College of Business Legislation

College of Education Legislation

College of Technology Legislation

Other Units Legislation

Each document or link opens in a new browser window.
   for *.pdf files, get the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader
   for *.doc files, you need Microsoft Word or equivalent






  • Regents Faculty Morale Survey, April 2004 (*.doc)(*.pdf)
  • General Education Task Force [dated: 2/06/04]


  • Results of the Academic Affairs faculty questionnaire from Spring 2002 (*.doc) (*.pdf) [dated: 8/27/02]
  • Report on the Requirement of 54-hours of Upper-level Courses for Baccalaureate Degrees. Council of Faculty Senate Presidents. 14 March 2002 (*.doc) (*.pdf) [dated: 3/29/02]
  • Resolution Affirming the Importance of Academic Integrity in Education (*.doc) (*.pdf) [dated: 3/29/02]
  • Revisions to Student Code (*.doc) (*.pdf) [dated:3/29/02]


  • Budget Reform (proposal by universities to Board of Regents, 9/6/00) (*.pdf) [dated: 9/6/00]

1999 or earlier

  • Examination of Gender Equality Issues at PSU, 12/1/99)  (Note: the report does not contain qualitative comments from the survey.) (*.pdf) [dated: 12/1/99]
  • Report of the Faculty Senate Information Systems Committee (no date) (*.pdf) [dated: n/a]