Pittsburg Micropolitan Area Economic Report and Data | Pittsburg State University
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Pittsburg Micropolitan Area Economic Report and Data

Local, statewide, and national data provided by Kelce College of Business and sponsored by the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce and The City of Pittsburg.

Detailed Data Reports

Local, statewide, and national data available.

Banking Statistics
Quarterly banking and S & L data at the Pittsburg Micropolitan area, Kansas, and national level from 2008 to most current (updated on January 21st, 2025).

Bankruptcy Statistics
Quarterly bankruptcies at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level for the years 2008 to most current (updated on November 17th, 2024)

Building Permits Pittsburg City Commercial and Residential 2008 to Current
Monthly Commercial and Residential building permits from 2008 to most current (updated on January 15th, 2025). 

Credit Union Statistics
Quarterly credit union data at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level from 2008 to most current (updated on October 14th, 2024)

Monthly Jobs Data By Industry - Historical
Monthly employment data at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level from 2005 to most current (updated on December 6th, 2024).

Labor Force Statistics

Monthly employment data at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level from 2006 to most current (updated on January 15th, 2025).

Jobs and Payroll - Consolidated
Jobs data at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level (updated on December 11th, 2024). 

Quarterly Wage Data by industry
Quarterly employment data (totals by quarter and weekly averages) at the Pittsburg Micropolitan, Kansas, and national level from 2005 to most current (updated on December 11th, 2024).

Taxable Sales 
Taxable sales of Pittsburg City, Crawford County, and kansas (updated on October 9th, 2024).

Business Highlights
Highlights of stories about the local economy from various local newspapers (updated on January 15th, 2025).

Demographic and Housing Estimates - Pittsburg, Frontenac, Girard, Crawford County, and Kansas  

Population statistics for Pittsburg, Frontenac, Girard, Crawford County, and Kansas using the latest available data (updated on January 3rd, 2024).

Census Quickfacts for Pittsburg, Pittsburg Micropolitan Area, Kansas, and the U.S.

Demographic information for Pittsburg, Pittsburg Micropolitan Area, Kansas, and the U.S. using the latest available data (updated on January 3rd, 2024).

Census Quickfacts for Southeast Kansas 

Demographic information for Crawford, Cherokee, Bourbon, Neosho, and Labette counties using the latest available data (updated on January 3rd, 2024).

Census Website

Kelce College of Business is a proud affiliate of the Census.
Please see links to the respective decennial Census below: 

2000 Census   2010 Census   2020 Census

Natural Amenity Scale - USDA
Natural Amenity Scale by County

Reference USA Business Database   
A list of information on Crawford County businesses. (updated on May 20th 2024)

Annual Reports

2023 Pittsburg Micropolitan Area Economic Annual Profile - Including projections

Economic Report Quarterly Publication

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