Policy on Prevention of Alcohol Abuse & Drug Use on Campus and in the Workplace

Pittsburg State University
August 21, 1990

(Revised August 1991, August 1992, August 1993, August 1994, August 1995, August 1996, August 1997, August 1998, August 1999, August 2000, August 2001, August 2002, August 2003, August 2004, August 2005, August 2006, August 2007, August 2008, August 2009, August 2011, August 2012, June 2015, October 2016, August 2017, August 2019)


The following policies are effective August 21, 1990, and are adopted pursuant to the requirements of the Drug- Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. A copy of this policy will be distributed annually to each student and employee of Pittsburg State University (copies are also available at the following campus locations: Human Resource Services Office, P.S.U. departmental offices, Student Life Office, Student Center, Student Health Center, University Police).


  1. Pittsburg State University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances by students and employees in buildings, facilities, grounds or property controlled by the University, or as part of University activities. The University is committed to a program to prevent the abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of controlled substances and/or alcohol by students and employees. Any student or employee of the University found to be abusing alcohol or using, possessing, manufacturing, or distributing controlled substances or alcohol in violation of the law, on University property, or at University events shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable policies of the State of Kansas, the Board of Regents, and Pittsburg State University. Students who violate this policy will be subject to sanctions including, but not necessarily limited to, expulsion and suspension from the University, referral for prosecution and/or the completion, at the individual’s expense, of an appropriate substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. For employees, the University will take appropriate personnel action for such infractions, up to and including termination.


  1. As a condition of employment, all employees of Pittsburg State University, including student employees, shall abide by the terms of this policy statement and will notify Pittsburg State University of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in buildings, facilities, grounds or property controlled by the University, no later than five (5) days after such conviction. Pittsburg State University will, in turn, notify as appropriate, the applicable federal agency of the conviction within ten (10) days of its receipt of notification of the conviction. For purposes of this policy, “conviction” means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes.


  1. The term “controlled substances” as used in this policy means those substances included in Schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act and as further defined by regulation at 21 CFR 1300.11 through 1300.15 (a listing of controlled substances will be maintained in the campus Human Resource Services Office, Student Life Office, Student Health Center, and University Police Office). The term does not include the use of a controlled substance pursuant to a valid prescription or other uses authorized by The term “alcohol” as used in this policy means any product of distillation or a fermented liquid which is intended for human consumption and which is more than 3.2% alcohol by weight as defined in Chapter 41 of the Kansas Statutes.


  1. Students and employees are reminded that local, state and federal laws provide for a variety of legal sanctions and penalties for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions include, but are not limited to, incarceration and monetary Penalties under Kansas law for the unlawful possession or distribution of drugs are based on the quantity of drug, type of drug, and criminal history of the defendant. See K.S.A. 2012 Supp. 21-5706. Maximum penalties range from fines of $100,000 to $500,000 and imprisonment from 10 months to 17 years. The Federal Controlled Substances Act provides penalties of up to 15 years' imprisonment and fines of up to $25,000 for unlawful distribution or possession with the intent to distribute narcotics. For unlawful possession of a controlled substance, a person is subject to up to one year of imprisonment and fines up to $5,000. Any person who unlawfully distributes a controlled substance to a person under twenty-one years of age may be punished by up to twice the term of imprisonment and fine otherwise authorized by law. Local city ordinances for drug and alcohol offenses impose sanctions similar in severity to state law.


  1. Students and employees of Pittsburg State University should be aware and informed that although not inclusive the following health risks have been associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol: Accidents and injuries are more likely to occur if alcohol and drugs are used on University property or as part of University activities. Approximately 32 percent (658,263) of all drug abuse Emergency Department visits involve the use of alcohol, either alone or in combination with another drug. In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. Alcohol and other drug (AOD) users can lose resistance to disease and destroy their health. Drug tolerance and psychological dependence can develop after sustained use of AOD. Drug users can lose resistance to disease and destroy their health. Drug tolerance and psychological dependence can develop after sustained use of drugs. More specifically, physical dependency, heart problems, infections, malnutrition, and death may result from continued high doses of amphetamines. Chronic use of narcotics can cause lung damage, convulsions, respiratory paralysis and death. Depressants, such as tranquilizers and alcohol, can produce slowed reactions, slowed heart rate, damage to liver and heart, respiratory arrest, convulsions, and accidental overdoses, because the abuser is unaware of how much of the drug or alcohol has been taken. Use of hallucinogens may cause psychosis, convulsions, coma and psychological dependency. Alcoholism is the number one drug problem in the United States. Alcoholism takes a toll on personal lives by affecting finances, health, social relationships, and families. It can have significant legal consequences. Abuse of alcohol or use of drugs may cause an individual driving a motor vehicle to injure others and may subject the abuser to criminal prosecution. Drunk drivers are responsible for more than half of all traffic fatalities.


  1. Students and employees of Pittsburg State University should be aware and informed that the following drug or alcohol counseling, treatment or re-entry programs are available to students or employees on a national, statewide, local and campus basis. Alcohol and drug counseling and treatment are available for students at the University Counseling Center. This office is an excellent resource for information about community resources for counseling and treatment, and can provide further information about health problems and treatment related to alcohol and drug problems. Faculty and staff members may contact the State Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a 24-hour toll free assistance line (1-888-275-1205 option 7) for a referral. If referred through EAP, the first counseling session is paid by the State. Further resources are presented in Appendix I, Listing of Resources. Pittsburg State University will also present educational programs on substance abuse on a periodic basis to inform employees and students of the dangers of substance abuse.

On Campus Resources

 Student Health & Counseling Services

1801 S. Broadway, Ext. 4452

Kathleen Sandness, MD, Medical Director

Rita Girth, Operations Director Services/Programs

  • Medical consultation
  • Physical exam
  • Assessment, evaluation, individual, couple and group counseling
  • Referrals for inpatient or outpatient treatment


Student Prevention & Wellness

Bryant Student Health Center, Ext. 4831

Megan Johnson, Program Coordinator


  • Alcohol / Drug Education - Presentations
  • Referral for inpatient or outpatient treatment
  • Peer Health Education providing programming on drug and alcohol use/abuse; date rape; sexually transmitted diseases; AIDS; and contraception
  • Co-dependents Anonymous meeting, Mondays at 12:00 Noon, Newman Center (Overman Summer)
  • Advisement and training of Gorillas In Your Midst – Peer Education
  • Brochures/pamphlets/videos
  • Educational Programming: NCAAW (National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week), NCHWW (National Collegiate Health and Wellness Week), Safe Spring Break,
  • Webpage: http://www.pittstate.edu/office/activities/programs/student-wellness/


Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resource Guide - Students & Employees

Crawford County Mental Health

Must be Crawford Co. Resident

(620) 231-5130

911 E. Centennial Drive

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Ascension Via Christi Behavioral Health

(620) 231-1068

200 Centennial Drive

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas (CHC-SEK)

(620) 231-9873

3011 N Michigan St

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Bryant Student Health Center

Students of faculty and staff of PSU only

(620) 235-4452

1801 S Broadway St

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Girard Medical Center

Senior behavioral health age 55+

Outpatient: (620) 724-7288

804 Saint John

Girard, KS 66743

Inpatient: (620) 724-7399

302 N. Hospital Dr.

Girard, KS 66743


Noble Clinic, LLC

(620) 338-7282



(620) 231-5310

1102 S. Rouse

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Crawford County Adult Drug & Alcohol Treatment Options


Crawford County Mental Health

Social Detox, Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient, Reintegration, & Intermediate

For assessment and referral, go to 911 E. Centennial Pittsburg, KS with proof of residence and proof of income.


DCCCA- Outpatient & Intensive Outpatient

Elm Acres Recovery Services

(620) 231-5310

1101 S. Rouse

Pittsburg, KS 66762


Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas (CHC-SEK)

Outpatient & Medication Assisted Treatment

(620) 231-9873

3011 N. Michigan

Pittsburg, KS 66762


National Programs

National Drug & Alcohol Treatment Referral Service  

1-800-662-HELP Treatment Locator

Website: http://findtreatment.samhsa.gov

Narcotics Anonymous: http://www.na.org/

Alcoholics Anonymous: http://www.aa.org/


State of Kansas Employee Assistance

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - State Employees 1-888-275-1205 (option 7)


Self Help and Support Groups

Some of these groups sometimes periodically change their dates, times, and locations.

It is recommended to call to verify the information in case of changes.

Contact CMHCCC 231-5130 for changes.

Alcoholics Anonymous

For Information-(785) 823-3058

10th & Fairview, Pittsburg, KS

Monday               7:00 am & 12:15 pm, 8:00 pm, except open on birthdays, last Monday of the month

Tuesday               6:30pm Men’s Mtg.

Wednesday          7:00 am & 12:15 pm, 6:30 pm women’s Mtg. 8:00 pm

Thursday              7:00 am & 12:15 pm open, 8:00 pm

Friday                  7:00 am & 12:15 pm, 8:00 pm Newcomer’s Mtg

Saturday              7:00 am & 12:15 pm, 8:00 pm Speaker’s Mtg.

Sunday                7:00 am & 12:15 pm, 8:00 pm


Girard AA Group

Presbyterian Church

S. Summit

Girard, KS 66743

Tuesday 8:00 pm


Narcotics Anonymous

Against All Odds NA Group

Contact Karen Hall 620-224-6754

Homer Cole Senior Center

3003 N. Joplin St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Sunday 6:30 pm


Living Clean Group

Oak Place

3111 N. Michigan

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Monday & Wednesday 6:30 pm

Saturday 9:30 am


ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics)

Ascension Via Christi- Sheraton Rm.

Wednesday 5:00 pm


CoDa (Codependents Anonymous)

St. Peters Episcopal Church

306 W. Euclid

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Mondays 12:00 pm

Contact J.T. 620-704-6762


Women’s Recovery House

606 E Atkinson

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Thursdays 6:30 pm open to men and women


Al Anon

Hope Abounds Al Anon Family Group

Contact Nikki 620-704-6762

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

306 W Euclid St

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Thursdays 6:30 PM


Community Health Ctr. Of Southeast Kansas

Contact Barb 620-704-3989

3011 N. Michigan

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Wednesday 12:00 pm



Kan-Teen Alateen Group

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Contact Barb 620-704-3989

306 W. Euclid

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Thursday 7:00 pm


1st Presbyterian Church

Summit and Walnut

Girard, KS

Thursday 6:30 pm


Hope for Today Al Anon Family Group

Addiction Treatment Center of Southeast Kansas

Conference Room

810 W. Cedar

Girard, KS

Thursdays 2:00 pm


Grief Support Groups

Crawford County Mental Health

Contact Victoria 620-231-5130

3101 N Michigan

Pittsburg Board Room

Last Thursday of the month 2:00 pm


Public Library

Contact 866-584-5498 for information

308 N. Walnut

Pittsburg, KS 66762

2nd Tuesday of the month 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm


Carrington Place

Claudia 620-423-3863

1909 E. 4th

Pittsburg, KS 66762

2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 am to 11:30 am


Country Side Christian Church

Gayle 620-687-1257

1901 E. 4th St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Meets weekly Wednesdays 9:00 am


Breathe EZ (COPD)

First Church of the Nazarene

Pot luck 620-704-8822

816 E. Quincy

Pittsburg, KS 66762

11:30 am to 12:30 pm 4th Tuesday of the month


Ascension Via Christi Hospital Support Groups

Cancer Support Group- Cancer Center Conference Room


2nd Monday of the Month 3:30 pm


SEK NAMI (Southeast Kansas National Alliance on Mental Illness)


seknamigmail.com 620-240-3740

Presbyterian church

520 Pine St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

2nd Monday of every month at 6:30-8:30 pm & last Thursday 6:30-8:00 pm unless a holiday then week before.


Breakfast Club for Caregivers of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Patients

United Methodist Church

415 N. Pine

Pittsburg, KS 66762

3rd Thursday of the month 9 am to 10:30 am


Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors Support Group

Safehouse Crisis Center, Inc.

409 N. Walnut

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 pm


Survivors of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Sexual Trafficking

PSU Students ONLY- contact Stephanie Spitz 620-235-4831 for confidential registration and location.



Page revision date: 10/26/2022