Total Plastic Bottles Diverted

By using bottle Refilling systems throughout campus, it has enabled us to make a huge impact on reducing the number of plastic bottles used on campus.  As of 03/17/17, The University has reduced the number of plastic bottles used by 1,342,380.  This amounts to 26,848 Pounds (13.42 Tons) of plastic bottles being saved and ultimately diverted from the landfill.  After calculations, this means that we were able to diverted 27% more plastic bottles from landfills by reducing the number used with the bottle filler systems.  The number from recycling logs state that a total of 19,620 (9.81 Tons) Pounds of plastic bottles were processed in the years 2013 through 2017.


Thank You to everyone who takes the time to refill their bottles!!


Refill Station Pic