Making an Impact

Greetings from the Pittsburg State University Foundation!

This year, the University underwent an involved planning process to create a new strategic plan and identify fundraising initiatives. This plan places a special emphasis on our mission: to make life better through education. As the Foundation celebrates its 38th year, we will continue to support and align with this mission and to steward your gifts in the best way possible. We are committed to maximizing the impact of your gifts through prudent investment management. Please know that your Foundation is healthy and strong, and we plan to continue building on that strength.

Our alumni and friends continue to step up by providing current, endowed, and planned gifts to enable us to make life better for the next generation of Gorillas. We truly appreciate the investment and confidence you have shown in the PSU Foundation. We hope you take great pride in what we have been able to accomplish with your support.



Asset title

Kathleen M. Flannery
Vice President for University Advancement
Pittsburg State University
PSU Foundation, Inc.

Fiscal Year 2023 endowment report include messages from PSU President Dan Ship and PSU Foundation Board of Trustees Chair Gary Tredway.

Fiscal Year 2023

Cash and Gifts-in-Kind Received

in fiscal year 2023



Endowment Total


*These funds are designated by donors to support a specific purpose in perpetuity - not a "rainy day" fund!

Investment Rate of Return 

10-year average



 Scholarships Created 

by the PSU Foundation



Alumni Participation Rate


Total Assets



We continue to solicit gifts with an emphasis on scholarships and annual giving (unrestricted support for the top priorities of Pittsburg State University). For more information about the annual PSU Foundation update or future giving opportunities, please feel free to contact us.

Read more about the Capital Campaign success