Connecting the university, community, and government to create a better place to learn, work, and live! Our three areas of focus are economic development, research & support, and community engagement.
Our goal is to make the area around us better. We do this by stimulating growth, innovation, and prosperity through partnerships, entrepreneurship, and research initiatives that benefit both the institution and our surrounding community.
Block22 is an innovative, mixed-use, live-learning community at 4th and Broadway in Downtown Pittsburg. In 2018, a unique partnership between Pittsburg State University, the City of Pittsburg, and the Vecino Group transformed four historic buildings at 4th and Broadway into an entrepreneurial center.
companies assisted
new jobs generated
total economic impact
paid back in local taxes
Understand and identify reading challenges in children, students, and adults.
Serving the needs of commercial polymers and plastics science today.
A new building for the Kelce College of Business will become the keystone anchor in downtown Pittsburg.
Premier regional consulting organization for small business owners
Opportunities for innovators, government tech scouts and manufacturing & technology companies.
Greenbush and the Pitsco Idea Shop at Block22 host summer camps, workshops, and STEM activities for children.
A non-profit Community Development Corporation focused on promoting economic development and improving the overall quality of life.
A place where people may take exams for purposes other than fulfilling Pitt State course requirements.
Contact the University's Economic Development and Community Engagement team to explore collaborative initiatives fostering local growth, innovation, and partnerships for sustainable community development.
Contact EDCE