Pittsburg State University accepts credit from all regionally accredited U.S. institutions and all Ministry of Education approved international institutions. PSU also accepts military course credits evaluated by the American Council on Education, AP and CLEP examination credits.
To receive an official transcript evaluation, you must request official transcripts be sent to PSU from all previous institutions attended. Faxed transcripts from the individual schools may be used for a preliminary evaluation, but official copies will be required before transfer credits are applied to the official PSU transcript. An evaluation will be provided to you by email when all courses on the transcript have been evaluated.
Evaluation to determine PSU course equivalency is based upon course content as described in the catalog course description of the sending institution. This evaluation is performed by the Assistant Registrar-Transcript Analysis, who consults with academic chairpersons as needed.
If the student or the sending institution disagrees with the course evaluation, a course syllabus may be submitted for review, or a request to substitute the nonequivalent course for a PSU requirement may be made. The student's academic dean makes the decision on the substitution request.
Send transcripts at least one month prior to your planned first semester in order for your advisor to be aware of how your transfer work will apply to your PSU degree.
There is a growing list of courses approved by the Kansas Board of Regents for guaranteed transfer among all Kansas public postsecondary institutions.
Visit http://www.kansasregents.gov/transfer_articulation for more information.
Students who transfer to a Kansas public university from a Kansas public community college or technical college (or vice versa) are eligible for Reverse Transfer, which allows for the attainment of any associate degree for which one is eligible along the way to additional certificates and degrees.
Visit http://www.kansasregents.gov/students/reverse-transfer-2 for more information.
Pittsburg State University’s Transfer Equivalency Guide is intended for prospective students to show how courses may transfer. This information is not a guarantee or contract. PSU reserves the right to determine acceptability of credit toward individual degree programs at the discretion of the academic major department. You must submit official transcripts of all coursework completed before a final determination is made.
Courses transferred from other 4 year institutions will be designated upper or lower division according to the original institution’s numbering system. Courses from 2 year institutions will be designated as lower division courses. Remedial courses do not transfer as degree credit.
Only courses with specific equivalents are listed in the guides. Courses not listed may not have been previously evaluated or will transfer as electives and may be substituted for specific requirements if determined appropriate by the student's academic dean.