Emergency Operations Center/Communications

Emergency Operations Center

The President’s Office, 207 Russ Hall, or a designated alternate site, preferably on campus, will be the primary location for emergency operations.

Emergency Communications
External Communications

The President or the established designee will be the official spokesperson for the university in the event of a critical incident invoking a crisis. The Office of University Marketing and Communication, 106 Russ Hall, 620-235-4122, will issue all press releases for the university and handle all media inquiries and press conferences. If contacted by the media, please do not volunteer information, please decline requests for interviews until you have spoken with the Office of University Marketing and Communication, and refer all questions to the Office of University Marketing and Communication. The Director of Government and Community Relations, in concert with the Office of University Marketing and Communication, will interface with key government officials.

Internal Communications

The Office of the President and the four Vice Presidents will be responsible for communicating key information to students, faculty and staff in their administrative areas according to their established mechanisms of official communication. Official communications may take the form of e-mail, phone, person-to-person, and/or other media. Please remain alert for continuing information. If necessary, a press conference or press releases will be held for widespread communications. Privacy of individuals in emergency situations will be guarded to the extent possible.