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Upcoming Music Events

🎶 Experience the Magic of Music at Pitt State 🎵

The Sounds of Pitt State's Music Scene

At Pittsburg State University, music is more than just notes on a page; it's a symphony of passion and creativity. Join us for a series of captivating music events that will transport you to the heart of our vibrant music culture. From soul-stirring classical performances at the Bicknell Center to lively jazz nights and intimate chamber recitals at McCray Hall, there's something for every music enthusiast. Keep an eye on our upcoming events, and get ready to experience the magic of music on our campus.



Chybowski Conducting Audience View
Thursday, May 02, 2024

Experience excellence in music at the Four State Honor Band Festival. Join top high school musicians for a memorable event!

Who is this event for? High School Students

Nominate Students
Music conductor at the Bicknell Center

Features performances by solo instrumentalists and small ensembles in an intimate setting, providing a platform for artistic exploration, audience engagement, and the showcasing of emerging talent.

Learn more and get tickets
Violin Trio at MAMF

Dive into a world of musical exploration and growth with programs designed to inspire and educate this summer. Whether you're a budding musician seeking to enhance your skills or an educator looking to expand your teaching repertoire, our camps offer an enriching experience for all.

Who is this event for? High School Student and Teachers


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