General Reporting Guidelines

General Information

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law that governs the reporting of time worked and leave taken. The proper guidelines to follow when reporting time worked and leave taken depends on whether the employee is appointed to a position that is non-exempt (hourly) or exempt (salaried). FLSA requires that employees in positions that are determined to be non-exempt (hourly) report hours worked and leave taken. Employees in positions that are determined to be exempt (salaried) report only leave taken. Contact HRS if you do not know the FLSA status of your position.

Reporting Time Worked

Employees must follow university and departmental instruction for reporting time worked and leave taken.

Hourly (Non-Exempt) Employees Reporting Guidelines

  • Employees appointed to hourly (non-exempt) positions must report hours worked and leave taken following university and department procedures. Refer to the appropriate GUS HR Training Job Aids for instructions on reporting hours worked and leave taken.
  • Hourly (non-exempt) USS and Unclassified employees report time worked and leave taken in quarter hour increments.
  • Hourly (non-exempt) employees are eligible for overtime compensation (pay or compensatory time off) when they have worked more than 40 hours in a work week.

Salaried (Exempt) Employees Reporting Guidelines

  • Employees appointed to salaried (exempt) positions report only leave taken following university and department procedures. Refer to the appropriate GUS HR Training Job Aids for instructions on reporting hours worked and leave taken.
  • Salaried (exempt) employees report leave taken in half day or full day increments only. They do not report vacation or sick leave until they are away from work for at least one-half day. They must be away from work the full day to report a full day of leave.
  • Salaried (exempt) employees shall be considered to be in pay status except for full days of leave without pay.
  • Normally, leave reporting for full-time salaried employees should be based on the assumption that the employee works five, 8-hour work days but can be different based on the employee's work schedule.
  • The salaried (exempt) sick leave and vacation leave accrual plans are based upon an employee's time in-pay-status per pay period; it is an all or nothing accrual. If an employee is in pay status for any part of the pay period, he/she will receive full accrual.
  • Salaried (exempt) employees are not eligible for overtime.


Time Reporting in Quarter Hour Increments- Hourly (non-exempt) USS and Unclassified employees

Minutes Worked Hours Recorded
0-07 0.00
08-22 0.25
23-37 0.50
38-52 0.75
53-67 1.00


Minutes Hours Recorded
Leave 15 0.25
Worked 45 0.75
Total 60 1.00
Minutes Hours Recorded
Leave 23 0.50
Worked 37 0.50
Total 60 1.00
Mintues Hours Recorded
Leave 49 0.75
Worked 11 0.25
Total 60 1.00
Minutes Hours Recorded
Leave 53 1.00
Worked 7 0.00
Total 60 1.00


Requesting Leave

Each department or supervisor should have established procedures for requesting paid and unpaid leave of less than 30 calendar days. Employees should follow appropriate procedures to request time away from work. Leave requests for more than 30 calendar days must be approved by the appropriate Vice President or Department Head (President's Division).