Greetings! We are Drs. Marc Daczewitz, Brian Sims, and Kylie Stewart from Pittsburg State University. We are conducting this survey to learn about differences in the amount of time that special educators in Kansas have for plan time each day. Participation in this research study is completely voluntary, and refusal to participate will involve no penalty.
The survey should take you between five to ten minutes. Simply click on the link to the survey below, respond to the questions, and submit your responses. While you may have received an invitation to participate in this survey from more than one person, please only complete the survey one time. You may skip any questions you are not comfortable answering or if you do not know the answer. The survey will not ask for any identifying information, and all data will be presented in aggregate; no respondent's data will be reported on individually. This invitation is being sent to all special education teachers in the state of Kansas. A summary of the findings will be distributed in the same way to special education teachers and administrators in Kansas.
Please participate in this survey only if you are a teacher of students with special needs serving in a high- or low-incidence setting as a special education teacher. Those who should not participate in this study include those serving as general education teachers or related service providers (e.g., orientation & mobility specialists, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists).
Please click this link if you consent to participate and respond to the survey. If the link does not work, you may copy and paste this URL into your browser: If you choose not to participate, please simply close this browser window.
Thank you for your time,
Drs. Daczewitz, Sims, & Stewart