Program Objectives

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Professional Accountancy
  • Communication: Graduates will show proficiency in written communication.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Focus - The student’s purpose is clear. All parts of a writing assignment are clearly related to the main purpose. Thesis, topic sentences, and supporting statements are used effectively.
    • Development – The student’s evidence and reasoning are entirely appropriate to the intended audience and purpose, and, are richly developed.
    • Organization – The student’s sequence of ideas supports development of the writing assignment’s main idea; transitions and other features are used to reinforce organization.
    • Style – The student’s sentences are clear, effective, and coherent; vocabulary is broad. Tone, word choice, and syntax are appropriate for the writing assignment's audience and purpose.
    • Language Use and Mechanics – The student’s writing assignments are nearly free of errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and formatting.

  • Information Technology: Graduates will be able to use current technologies to explore, analyze, and solve business problems.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Students will analyze business data using data science tools.
    • Students will conduct IT system development.
    • Students will perform operations with business process management tools.

  • Critical Thinking: Graduates will be able to apply theories and methods to solve problems within their respective disciplines.
    Sample Objective Criteria:
    • Students can translate the verbal statement of a problem into a linear programming statement.
    • Students can graph lines showing feasible area with linear programming and identify the optimal solution.
    • Students can interpret linear programming solution with computer output.
    • Students can make evidence-based decisions.

  • Teamwork: Graduates will be able to work collaboratively to produce professional deliverables.
    Sample Objective Criteria (Teamwork):
    • Student participates regularly and demonstrates preparedness in project activities.
    • Student fulfills his/her role/duties.
    • Student works cooperatively with other members of the group and volunteers willingly to help with tasks.
    • Student listens to the ideas of others, considers their viewpoints and offers constructive feedback and suggestions.
    • Student takes part in setting group goals and agendas.
    • Student invests sufficient time and focus to work required to produce quality results.
    • Student engages positively with group members.
    • Student uses good problem-solving strategies to complete a task.
  • Sample Objective Criteria (Professional Deliverables):
    • Student is able to present the project while making effective eye contact with the audience.
    • Student is able to stand up straight, and moves hands appropriately for emphasis.
    • Student's physical appearance and attire are appropriately professional.
    • Student uses a clear vocal tone and rhythm, so that all audience members can hear presentation.
    • Student pronounces mostly everything clearly and correctly.
    • Student uses visual aid showing effort. Visual aid improves overall presentation.
    • Student presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can easily follow.
    • Student demonstrates full knowledge and can answer and elaborate on most/all questions asked.
    • Student makes recommendations based upon adequate evidence, analysis, and reasonable conclusions.
  • Goal 1: Our graduates will be effective communicators.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will be able to demonstrate effective writing skills.
    • Objective 2: Our graduates will be able to demonstrate effective oral communication skills.

  • Goal 2: Our graduates will be able to analyze factors that influence the organization.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will be able to understand the role of strategic analysis in business today.

  • Goal 3: Our graduates will have an understanding of effective leadership skills.
    • Objective 1: Our graduates will understand how to effectively lead a team.

  • Goal 4: Our graduates will have an understanding of the following subjects:
    • Objective 1: Ethical responsibilities in organizations and society.
    • Objective 2: Legal responsibilities in organizations and society.
    • Objective 3: Financial theories, analysis, reporting and markets.
    • Objective 4: Creation of value through the integrated production and distribution of goods, services and information.
    • Objective 5: Quantitative business analysis as it supports decision-making processes.
    • Objective 6: Domestic and global economic environments.
    • Objective 7: Our students will have an understanding of how accounting controls may be integrated in a system of management controls.

Check back soon for updates.

Program Guide (PDF)