Half-Century Reunion Attendee List

Class of 1973

List will be updated as RSVPs arrive.


Stark, Danny

Danny Stark
BS in Business Administration

Splitface BW

David Lowery
BS in Education

Lowery, Sandra

Sandra (Sandy) Meserko Lowery
BS in Education

Bradbury, Dotson

Dotson Bradbury
BS in Education
Master of Science '75
Specialist in Education '82

Splitface BW

Steve Taylor
Master of Arts

Splitface BW

Nancy Poteete
Master of Arts

Shook, Pamela

Pamela (Pam) Hock Shook
BS in Business Administration

Latz, Jeff

Jeff Latz
Bachelor of Arts '68
Master of Science

Splitface BW

Allen White
BS in Education
Master of Science '74

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