Field Biology

Are you observant and curious about the natural world? Through the field biology programs at PSU, investigate ecology, determining the relationships between organisms and their environment. 

Field trips are a curriculum staple!

Our students venture beyond the lab and lecture setting. Weekly field trips are a staple of upper-level courses. Hop in the biology van with your classmates and explore from Crawford County State Park to New Mexico and Texas. 

Be inspired by professionals in the field.

Biology faculty welcome guest speakers regularly to the classroom. Hear the exciting work-life stories of professionals from the wildlife & parks department, fish hatcheries, environmental protection agencies, and more!  

Active campus clubs!

The PSU wildlife and fishery society is a club recognized nationwide. Work alongside field biologists on diverse projects from habitat restoration to chronic waste disease sampling. 

Cool stats:

  • 50000 specimens in Sperry Herbarium
  • $42K departmental scholarships available to undergrads 
  • 5-7 work-study students handling rehabilitated animals at Nature Reach 
  • 1.7 million dollars in grants awarded to the Biology department 
Take the next step.
Are you ready to take your college experience to the next level? Let us know how we can help.
students in library